Hello all,<br><br>I am working on an energy model using EQuest 3.64 of an existing building to investigate various energy savings options. I would like to include in the model partial operation of a chilled water loop waterside economizer to precondition the return chilled water going into the water-cooled chillers. I've done extensive searching in the Archive and I can't find discussion of how I could model partial operation. It's clear that the new "waterside economizer chiller" option is only fully on or fully off and so doesn't show proper energy savings.<br>
<br>I recall that in the previous EQuest versions one could trick it into modeling a waterside economizer with a water-cooled chiller that used no energy. I think I might be able to get EQuest 3.64 to model partial load waterside economizer operation by changing the loop setpoints of a fake loop to an approximate average temperature. Does anyone have a link or recall how you could trick previous versions into modeling waterside economizers via creation of a fake loop, or another method?<br>
<br>Any direction or comments are appreciated.<br><br>Jackson, PE<br>EDI Inc.<br>