<div>I am modeling ice storage system in which chillers charge ice storage at night then the storage discharges</div>
<div>at daytime.</div>
<div>I succeeded modeling charging and discharging the ice storage. </div>
<div>However, I am having hard time modeling heat exchanger which will work thorough the discharged brine and the return water.</div>
<div>I created "heat exchanger" in detailed mode but not sure how to connect to the loop or anything.</div>
<div>Any tips for heat exchanger modeling?</div>
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<div>Thank you in advance.</div>
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<div><font color="#000080" size="2" face="Arial">Kim, DongEun(DE) | Research Engineer, LEED AP<br>Annex R&D Institute, HIMEC(Hanil Mech. & Elec. Consultants)</font></div></div>