<div dir="ltr">We would like to invite all <span class="style28">Energy Simulators modeling for LEED® , ASHRAE, Estidama and QSAS</span> in a 2 day workshop.<br><br>For more details please visit this link... <a href="http://www.greentechno.ae/equest.html">http://www.greentechno.ae/equest.html</a><br>
<br><br><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="99%"><tbody><tr><td><h3><span class="style20"><strong>WHOLE BUILDING SIMULATION USING eQUEST
<td><div align="right"><br></div></td>
<p class="style21 style26" align="justify"><span class="textCopy style35">Target Participants:</span><br>
<span class="style28">• Energy Simulators modeling for LEED® , ASHRAE, Estidama and QSAS<br>
• Energy Simulators with less than 3 years modeling experience<br>
• New users of eQuest<br>
</span><span class="style34"><br>
<strong class="textCopy"><span class="textCopy style35">Learning Overview:</span></strong></span><br>
<span class="style28">• Understand the capabilities of the
DOE2.2 simulation engine to perform compliance analysis andestablish a
performance baseline (LEED Compliance will be discussed in depth)<br>
• Learn input strategies for complex HVAC systems in eQuest
and perform system ECMs (EnergyConservation Measures) for increased
energy savings.<br>
• Understand how to evaluate results and perform Quality Control checks for “realistic” data.</span><br>
<span class="textCopy style35"><strong>Learning Objectives:</strong></span><br>
<span class="style28">• Create a building model using a
wizard-template for inputs and switching a detailed edit mode torefine
the model with design details creating a baseline to work with and
• Perform ECM analyses using parametric inputs in eQuest or using alternative simulation strategy.<br>
• Work with DOE2.2 reports to verify integrity of simulation results.<br>
• How to troubleshoot common “glitches” and errors within the simulation program and eQuest user interface.</span><br>
<span class="textCopy style35">Participant Requirements:</span><br>
<span class="style28">Personal Laptop installed with eQuest v. 3.64.</span><br>
<span class="textCopy"><br>
<span class="style35">Course Fee:</span></span><br>
<span class="style28">The fee per participant would be $750
for 2 days before 10th May 2011 and $850 on or after 10th May 2011.
Group discount available; <br>
please </span></p><span class="style36"><br></span></div>