<DIV>hi equesters</DIV>
<DIV> Dose anybody have experiences for FC+DOAS, in my modle, outdoor air processed by independent air-condition unit, then supplied to room directly, do not go through FC inlet. as far as i kown, outdoor air and return air combined process in FC in some countries,like below picture<IMG src="cid:5a95ab6a$1$12f526b8084$Coremail$hutiejun1223@126.com">but On the upper right corner,i see an outdoor air fan, is it an DOAS? if so ,how to realize it in equest? and how to set in the tab "OA FROM SYSTEM"?</DIV>
<DIV> any words will be appreciated!</DIV>
<DIV> yours sincere</DIV><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span id="netease_mail_footer"></span></span>