<BODY onload=parent.init() contentEditable=true><P>Someone (like Joe Huang, Jeff Hirsch) should write a program to read the Excel file and write it into a text file using the NCDC 80-column format and then convert it back to "weather.bin". It would be very useful. </P>
<P>You can order NCDC weather file (they will send you any 10 consecutive years) for about $200 and use PKAFT to convert to "weather.bin". The webpage <A href="http://bepan.info/weather">http://bepan.info/weather</A> shows how to convert NCDC packed 80-column TEXT DATA to "weather.bin" and back to TEXT TABLE which can then read into EXCEL See <A href="http://bepan.info/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/9_-_Weather___NCDCtpe_to_DOE2bin_to_Tables-Charts.34093358.pdf" type=4>9 - Weather _NCDC.tpe to DOE2.bin to Tables-Charts</A></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=maroon>The excel file can be saved as text file but I don't think PKAFT can convert it back to "weather.bin".</FONT></STRONG> The NCDC format has been changed. Example: the DP column in NCDC is now missing and other calculated results have been added and all the columns have been rearranged.</P>
<P>I have just added a zipped file <A href="http://bepan.info/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Jeddah08.87105445.zip" type=4><STRONG><FONT color=#000000 size=4 face="Trebuchet MS"><EM>CONVERT EDITED EXCEL FILE "Weather.xls" BACK TO "Weather.bin"</EM></FONT></STRONG></A> to the website <A href="http://bepan.info/weather">http://bepan.info/weather</A> showing my crazy attempt at converting the Excel file back to "weather.bin". It is 9 MB. Double click on it. It produced a "weather.bin" that was 145 KB instead of 146 KB and I get a "end of file" message. I decided not to figure out what was missing and gave up. It would be quicker and easier to write a program that does the conversion. </P>
<P>Under <A href="http://bepan.info/engg-calcs">http://bepan.info/engg-calcs</A> you will find Excel psychrometric programs. </P>
<P> </P></BODY>