Proj "Run 1 Air Cool 99" ProgramVersion = "eQUEST 3.63.6510" BDBaseVersion = 24 ProductCode = "eQUEST" WeatherFile = "TMY2\PHILADPA.bin" CreateDate = 1281045917 ModDate = 1284420671 LibraryFile = "eQ_Lib.dat" ActiveMode = 0 InputModule = 1 Address = "new jersey" CityStateZip = "Princeton, NJ 08540" UseCameraData = 1 ClippingRange = ( 577.923, 1179.28 ) FocalPoint = ( -10.55, 9.17501, 28.0293 ) Position = ( 627.296, 525.692, 221.509 ) ViewUpVector = ( 0, 0, 1 ) ViewAngle = 30 InterfaceMode = 0 AllowWizard = 1 NotProjFile = "Run 1 Air Cool 99" InputUnitsType = "English" OutputUnitsType = "English" CompNamePfxSfx[1] = "Bdg1" PreviousName = "UMCP_Run 1" ProjTreeType[2] = 1 ProjTreeType[5] = 1 ProjTreeID[2] = 10080018 ProjTreeID[5] = 10480010 ProjTreeLabel[2] = "Bdg1EL4 SE Perim Spc (G.SE1)" ProjTreeLabel[5] = "Bdg1EL5 Sys5 (PVAVS) (G.S5)" .. MainWiz "Run 1 Air Cool 99" ProductCode = "eQUEST" WizardType = "Design Development" DebugID = 0 AllowCustWinDoor = 1 ScreenIDArrIdx = 6 ScreenIDArrID = 250 Coverage = "All eQUEST Locations" State = "New Jersey" Location = "Trenton" ElecUtility = "- custom -" GasUtility = "- custom -" UserElecRate[1] = "Custom Elec Rate" UserFuelRate = "Custom Gas Rate" BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" SimulateBaseline = 0 .. ShellWiz "Ground Floor" ScreenIDArrIdx = 5 ScreenIDArrID = 51 BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" GrossArea = 29039 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Specify = 1 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "West" UseAspectRatio = 0 FlrToFlr = 17 FlrToCeiling = 13 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 UseFloorMults = 0 DiagLink = "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtConsType = "Metal Frame, 2x6, 24 in. o.c." VertExtBrdInsType = "2 in. polyurethane (R-12)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-13 batt" VertExtIntInsType = "1 in. polyisocyanurate (R-7)" VertExtFinish = "Brick" GrndFlrConsType = "12 in. Concrete" GrndFlrInsType = "vert ext bd, R-20, 4ft deep" GrndFlrSecInsType = "Vinyl Tile" ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 10 FloorVertX[1] = -65.85 FloorVertX[2] = -65.85 FloorVertX[3] = -146.85 FloorVertX[4] = -146.85 FloorVertX[5] = -2.25 FloorVertX[6] = -2.25 FloorVertX[7] = 121.55 FloorVertX[8] = 121.55 FloorVertX[9] = 125.75 FloorVertX[10] = 125.75 FloorVertY[1] = 67.9 FloorVertY[2] = 39.45 FloorVertY[3] = 39.45 FloorVertY[4] = -49.55 FloorVertY[5] = -49.55 FloorVertY[6] = -45.1 FloorVertY[7] = -45.1 FloorVertY[8] = -20.45 FloorVertY[9] = -20.3 FloorVertY[10] = 67.9 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[3] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[4] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[5] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[6] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[7] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[8] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" GroundZnGrp[9] = "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL1 Underground Areas", "EL1 Ground Floor Core", "EL1 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL1 Top Floor Core", "EL1 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 1 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 29039 FloorPerimLen = 779.953 LastFootprint = 1 CustFPDirsCurrent = 1 OverhangOption = "None" GTCCategory[1] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[2] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[3] = "Double Pilkington" GlassTypeCode[1] = "Arctic Blue/Arg/Energy Adv LowE 6mm (6844: U=0.29 SHGC=0.33 VT=0.43)" WindowHeight[1] = 7 WindowHeight[2] = 3 WindowHeight[3] = 5.5 WinSillHeight[1] = 3 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[2] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[3] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 19.4 PercentGlassI1[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[1] = 0 PercentGlassI2[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[3] = 17.4 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 PercentGlassI3[3] = 20.4 PercentGlassI4[1] = 32.6 PercentGlassI4[2] = 0 DoorType[2] = "Opaque" DoorType[3] = "Glass" NumExtDoors1[1] = 1 NumExtDoors1[2] = 0 NumExtDoors2 = ( 1, 1, 0 ) NumExtDoors3 = ( 0, 0, 0 ) NumExtDoors4 = ( 2, 0, 0 ) OpaqueDoorType[2] = "Steel, Polyurethane core w/ Brk" DGTCCategory[1] = "Single Pilkington" DGTCCategory[3] = "Single Pilkington" DGlassTypeCode[1] = "Eclipse AdvClear 6mm (5850: U=0.67 SHGC=0.62 VT=0.67)" DGlassTypeCode[3] = "Eclipse AdvClear 6mm (5850: U=0.67 SHGC=0.62 VT=0.67)" DoorFrameType[1] = "Alum w/o Brk" SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 1 DayltZones[6] = 1 DayltZones[7] = 1 DayltZones[8] = 1 DayltZones[9] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 1 DayltZones[206] = 1 DayltZones[207] = 1 DayltZones[208] = 1 DayltZones[209] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 0 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent[3] = 1 BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[6] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[7] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[8] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[9] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[206] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[207] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[208] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[209] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 PrimarilyCore[2] = 0 PrimarilyCore[3] = 0 PrimarilyCore[4] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[1] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[2] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[4] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 0 OccShape[1] = "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[4] = 1.2 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.8 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 1.2 ELElecIntens = 0.2 ELDayShapes = ( "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 1 OEElecIntens[2] = 1 OEElecIntens[3] = 1 OEElecIntens[4] = 1 OEElecIntens[5] = 0.1 MiscShape[1] = "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" DHWShape[1] = "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL1 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -50.85 X[4] = -50.85 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 24.45 Y[4] = 52.9 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -146.85 X[3] = -131.85 X[4] = -50.85 Y[1] = 39.45 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 24.45 Y[4] = 24.45 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 3" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -146.85 X[2] = -146.85 X[3] = -131.85 X[4] = -131.85 Y[1] = 39.45 Y[2] = -49.55 Y[3] = -34.55 Y[4] = 24.45 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 4" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -146.85 X[2] = -2.25 X[3] = -17.25 X[4] = -131.85 Y[1] = -49.55 Y[2] = -49.55 Y[3] = -34.55 Y[4] = -34.55 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 5" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = -2.25 X[2] = -2.25 X[3] = 121.55 X[4] = 106.55 X[5] = -17.25 X[6] = -17.25 Y[1] = -49.55 Y[2] = -45.1 Y[3] = -45.1 Y[4] = -30.1 Y[5] = -30.1 Y[6] = -34.55 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 6" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 121.55 X[2] = 121.55 X[3] = 125.75 X[4] = 110.75 X[5] = 106.55 X[6] = 106.55 Y[1] = -45.1 Y[2] = -20.45 Y[3] = -20.3 Y[4] = -5.82616 Y[5] = -5.97616 Y[6] = -30.1 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 7" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 125.75 X[2] = 125.75 X[3] = 110.75 X[4] = 110.75 Y[1] = -20.3 Y[2] = 67.9 Y[3] = 52.9 Y[4] = -5.82616 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 8" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 125.75 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -50.85 X[4] = 110.75 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 67.9 Y[3] = 52.9 Y[4] = 52.9 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 9" NumVerts = 10 X[1] = -17.25 X[2] = 106.55 X[3] = 106.55 X[4] = 110.75 X[5] = 110.75 X[6] = -50.85 X[7] = -50.85 X[8] = -131.85 X[9] = -131.85 X[10] = -17.25 Y[1] = -30.1 Y[2] = -30.1 Y[3] = -5.97616 Y[4] = -5.82616 Y[5] = 52.9 Y[6] = 52.9 Y[7] = 24.45 Y[8] = 24.45 Y[9] = -34.55 Y[10] = -34.55 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 1_Grnd Flr" ShortName = "GndPrm" AssignedSystem = "RTU-1" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 5600 .. ShellWiz "2nd Floor" ScreenIDArrIdx = 5 ScreenIDArrID = 51 BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" GrossArea = 29039 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Dist = 0 ShellPos_Specify = 1 BldgX = 0 BldgY = 0 BldgZ = 17 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "West" UseAspectRatio = 0 FlrToFlr = 16 FlrToCeiling = 12 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 UseFloorMults = 0 DiagLink = "EL2 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtConsType = "Metal Frame, 2x6, 24 in. o.c." VertExtBrdInsType = "2 in. polyurethane (R-12)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-13 batt" VertExtIntInsType = "1 in. polyisocyanurate (R-7)" GrndFlrExposure = "Over Conditioned Space (adiabatic)" GrndFlrInsType = "5 in. polyurethane (R-30)" GrndFlrSecInsType = "Vinyl Tile" ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 10 FloorVertX[1] = -65.85 FloorVertX[2] = -65.85 FloorVertX[3] = -146.85 FloorVertX[4] = -146.85 FloorVertX[5] = -2.25 FloorVertX[6] = -2.25 FloorVertX[7] = 121.55 FloorVertX[8] = 121.55 FloorVertX[9] = 125.75 FloorVertX[10] = 125.75 FloorVertY[1] = 67.9 FloorVertY[2] = 39.45 FloorVertY[3] = 39.45 FloorVertY[4] = -49.55 FloorVertY[5] = -49.55 FloorVertY[6] = -45.1 FloorVertY[7] = -45.1 FloorVertY[8] = -20.45 FloorVertY[9] = -20.3 FloorVertY[10] = 67.9 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Zone 1_2nd Flr" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Zone 2_2nd Flr" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL2 Underground Areas", "EL2 Ground Floor Core", "EL2 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL2 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL2 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL2 Top Floor Core", "EL2 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 2 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 29039 FloorPerimLen = 779.953 LastFootprint = 1 CustFPDirsCurrent = 1 OverhangOption = "None" GTCCategory[1] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[2] = "Double Pilkington" GlassTypeCode[1] = "Arctic Blue/Arg/Energy Adv LowE 6mm (6844: U=0.29 SHGC=0.33 VT=0.43)" WindowHeight[1] = 5.5 WindowHeight[2] = 6 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[2] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 13.3 PercentGlassI1[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[1] = 21.9 PercentGlassI2[2] = 0 PercentGlassI3[1] = 21.4 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 PercentGlassI4[1] = 7.3 PercentGlassI4[2] = 0 DoorType[1] = "- select another -" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" NumExtDoors1[1] = 2 NumExtDoors1[2] = 2 NumExtDoors2[1] = 2 NumExtDoors2[2] = 2 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[2] = 0 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyltZones[10] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 1 DayltZones[6] = 1 DayltZones[7] = 1 DayltZones[8] = 1 DayltZones[9] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 1 DayltZones[206] = 1 DayltZones[207] = 1 DayltZones[208] = 1 DayltZones[209] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 0 DayltZones[410] = 1 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent[3] = 1 BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[6] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[7] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[8] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[9] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[206] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[207] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[208] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[209] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[410] = 0 PrimarilyCore[2] = 0 PrimarilyCore[3] = 0 PrimarilyCore[4] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[1] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[2] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[4] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 0 OccShape[1] = "EL2 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL2 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[4] = 1.2 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.8 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 1.2 ELElecIntens = 0.2 ELDayShapes = ( "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL2 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 1 OEElecIntens[2] = 1 OEElecIntens[3] = 1 OEElecIntens[4] = 1 OEElecIntens[5] = 0.1 MiscShape[1] = "EL2 Misc Profile (S1)" DHWShape[1] = "EL2 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL2 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL2 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 10" NumVerts = 12 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -146.85 X[4] = -146.85 X[5] = -2.25 X[6] = -2.25 X[7] = 8.25 X[8] = 8.25 X[9] = -57.1 X[10] = -57.1 X[11] = -47.85 X[12] = -47.85 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 39.45 Y[4] = -49.55 Y[5] = -49.55 Y[6] = -45.1 Y[7] = -45.1 Y[8] = 10.95 Y[9] = 10.95 Y[10] = 42.7 Y[11] = 42.7 Y[12] = 67.9 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 11" NumVerts = 10 X[1] = -57.1 X[2] = 8.25 X[3] = 8.25 X[4] = 121.55 X[5] = 121.55 X[6] = 125.75 X[7] = 125.75 X[8] = -47.85 X[9] = -47.85 X[10] = -57.1 Y[1] = 10.95 Y[2] = 10.95 Y[3] = -45.1 Y[4] = -45.1 Y[5] = -20.45 Y[6] = -20.3 Y[7] = 67.9 Y[8] = 67.9 Y[9] = 42.7 Y[10] = 42.7 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 1_2nd Flr" AssignedSystem = "RTU-1" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 2000 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 2_2nd Flr" AssignedSystem = "RTU-2" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 6800 .. ShellWiz "3rd Floor" ScreenIDArrIdx = 5 ScreenIDArrID = 51 BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" GrossArea = 29039 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Ref = "Ground Floor" ShellPos_Dist = 0 ShellPos_Specify = 1 BldgX = 0 BldgY = 0 BldgZ = 33 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "West" UseAspectRatio = 0 FlrToFlr = 14 FlrToCeiling = 12 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 UseFloorMults = 0 DiagLink = "EL3 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtConsType = "Metal Frame, 2x6, 24 in. o.c." VertExtBrdInsType = "2 in. polyurethane (R-12)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-13 batt" VertExtIntInsType = "1 in. polyisocyanurate (R-7)" GrndFlrExposure = "Over Conditioned Space (adiabatic)" GrndFlrInsType = "5 in. polyurethane (R-30)" GrndFlrSecInsType = "Vinyl Tile" ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 10 FloorVertX[1] = -65.85 FloorVertX[2] = -65.85 FloorVertX[3] = -146.85 FloorVertX[4] = -146.85 FloorVertX[5] = -2.25 FloorVertX[6] = -2.25 FloorVertX[7] = 121.55 FloorVertX[8] = 121.55 FloorVertX[9] = 125.75 FloorVertX[10] = 125.75 FloorVertY[1] = 67.9 FloorVertY[2] = 39.45 FloorVertY[3] = 39.45 FloorVertY[4] = -49.55 FloorVertY[5] = -49.55 FloorVertY[6] = -45.1 FloorVertY[7] = -45.1 FloorVertY[8] = -20.45 FloorVertY[9] = -20.3 FloorVertY[10] = 67.9 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Zone 3_3rd Flr" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Zone 4_3rd Flr" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL3 Underground Areas", "EL3 Ground Floor", "EL3 Ground Floor", "EL3 Typical Floor(s)", "EL3 Typical Floor(s)", "EL3 Top Floor", "EL3 Top Floor" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 2 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 29039 FloorPerimLen = 779.953 LastFootprint = 1 CustFPDirsCurrent = 1 OverhangOption = "None" GTCCategory[1] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[2] = "Double Pilkington" GlassTypeCode[1] = "Arctic Blue/Arg/Energy Adv LowE 6mm (6844: U=0.29 SHGC=0.33 VT=0.43)" WindowHeight[1] = 5.5 WindowHeight[2] = 6 WinSillHeight[1] = 3 WinSillHeight[2] = 3 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[2] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 29.7 PercentGlassI1[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[1] = 20 PercentGlassI2[2] = 19.4 PercentGlassI3[1] = 28.5 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 PercentGlassI4[1] = 1.3 PercentGlassI4[2] = 4.7 DoorType[1] = "- select another -" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" NumExtDoors1[1] = 2 NumExtDoors1[2] = 2 NumExtDoors2[1] = 2 NumExtDoors2[2] = 2 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[2] = 0 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 1 DayltZones[6] = 1 DayltZones[7] = 1 DayltZones[8] = 1 DayltZones[9] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 1 DayltZones[206] = 1 DayltZones[207] = 1 DayltZones[208] = 1 DayltZones[209] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 0 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent[3] = 1 BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[6] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[7] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[8] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[9] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[206] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[207] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[208] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[209] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 PrimarilyCore[2] = 0 PrimarilyCore[3] = 0 PrimarilyCore[4] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[1] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[2] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[4] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 0 PerformZBAZoning = 0 OccShape[1] = "EL3 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL3 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[4] = 1.2 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.8 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 1.2 ELElecIntens = 0.2 ELDayShapes = ( "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL3 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 1 OEElecIntens[2] = 1 OEElecIntens[3] = 1 OEElecIntens[4] = 1 OEElecIntens[5] = 0.1 MiscShape[1] = "EL3 Misc Profile (S1)" DHWShape[1] = "EL3 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL3 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL3 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 12" NumVerts = 10 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -146.85 X[4] = -146.85 X[5] = -2.25 X[6] = -2.25 X[7] = 5.9 X[8] = 5.9 X[9] = 23.8 X[10] = 23.8 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 39.45 Y[4] = -49.55 Y[5] = -49.55 Y[6] = -45.1 Y[7] = -45.1 Y[8] = 11.2 Y[9] = 11.2 Y[10] = 67.9 MLOpenToBelow = 1 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 13" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 23.8 X[2] = 23.8 X[3] = 5.9 X[4] = 5.9 X[5] = 121.55 X[6] = 121.55 X[7] = 125.75 X[8] = 125.75 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 11.2 Y[3] = 11.2 Y[4] = -45.1 Y[5] = -45.1 Y[6] = -20.45 Y[7] = -20.3 Y[8] = 67.9 MultiLevel = 0 MLOpenToBelow = 0 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 4_3rd Flr" ShortName = "GndFlr" AssignedSystem = "RTU-4" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 3400 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 3_3rd Flr" ShortName = "GndFlr" AssignedSystem = "RTU-3" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 3400 .. ShellWiz "4th Floor" ScreenIDArrIdx = 5 ScreenIDArrID = 51 BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" GrossArea = 29039 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Ref = "Ground Floor" ShellPos_Dist = 0 ShellPos_Specify = 1 BldgY = 0 BldgZ = 47 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "West" UseAspectRatio = 0 FlrToFlr = 14 FlrToCeiling = 10 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 UseFloorMults = 0 DiagLink = "EL4 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtConsType = "Metal Frame, 2x6, 24 in. o.c." VertExtBrdInsType = "2 in. polyurethane (R-12)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-13 batt" VertExtIntInsType = "1 in. polyisocyanurate (R-7)" GrndFlrExposure = "Over Conditioned Space (adiabatic)" GrndFlrInsType = "5 in. polyurethane (R-30)" GrndFlrSecInsType = "Vinyl Tile" ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 10 FloorVertX[1] = -65.85 FloorVertX[2] = -65.85 FloorVertX[3] = -146.85 FloorVertX[4] = -146.85 FloorVertX[5] = -2.25 FloorVertX[6] = -2.25 FloorVertX[7] = 121.55 FloorVertX[8] = 121.55 FloorVertX[9] = 125.75 FloorVertX[10] = 125.75 FloorVertY[1] = 67.9 FloorVertY[2] = 39.45 FloorVertY[3] = 39.45 FloorVertY[4] = -49.55 FloorVertY[5] = -49.55 FloorVertY[6] = -45.1 FloorVertY[7] = -45.1 FloorVertY[8] = -20.45 FloorVertY[9] = -20.3 FloorVertY[10] = 67.9 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Zone 3_4th flr" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Zone 4_4th Flr" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL4 Underground Areas", "EL4 Ground Floor Core", "EL4 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL4 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL4 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL4 Top Floor Core", "EL4 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 2 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 29039 FloorPerimLen = 779.953 LastFootprint = 1 CustFPDirsCurrent = 1 OverhangOption = "None" GTCCategory[1] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[2] = "Double Pilkington" GlassTypeCode[1] = "Arctic Blue/Arg/Energy Adv LowE 6mm (6844: U=0.29 SHGC=0.33 VT=0.43)" WindowHeight[1] = 5.5 WindowHeight[2] = 6 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[2] = "Reinf'd Vinyl, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 29.7 PercentGlassI1[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[1] = 20 PercentGlassI2[2] = 19.4 PercentGlassI3[1] = 28.5 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 PercentGlassI4[1] = 1.3 PercentGlassI4[2] = 4.7 DoorType[1] = "- select another -" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" NumExtDoors1[1] = 2 NumExtDoors1[2] = 2 NumExtDoors2[1] = 2 NumExtDoors2[2] = 2 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[2] = 0 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 1 DayltZones[6] = 1 DayltZones[7] = 1 DayltZones[8] = 1 DayltZones[9] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 1 DayltZones[206] = 1 DayltZones[207] = 1 DayltZones[208] = 1 DayltZones[209] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 0 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent[3] = 1 BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[6] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[7] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[8] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[9] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[206] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[207] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[208] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[209] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 PrimarilyCore[2] = 0 PrimarilyCore[3] = 0 PrimarilyCore[4] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[1] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[2] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[4] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 0 OccShape[1] = "EL4 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL4 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[4] = 1.2 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.8 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 1.2 ELElecIntens = 0.2 ELDayShapes = ( "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL4 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 1 OEElecIntens[2] = 1 OEElecIntens[3] = 1 OEElecIntens[4] = 1 OEElecIntens[5] = 0.1 MiscShape[1] = "EL4 Misc Profile (S1)" DHWShape[1] = "EL4 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL4 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL4 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL4 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL4 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL4 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL4 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL4 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL4 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 14" NumVerts = 10 X[1] = -146.85 X[2] = -146.85 X[3] = -2.25 X[4] = -2.25 X[5] = 8.25 X[6] = 8.25 X[7] = 19.1 X[8] = 19.1 X[9] = -47.85 X[10] = -47.85 Y[1] = 39.45 Y[2] = -49.55 Y[3] = -49.55 Y[4] = -45.1 Y[5] = -45.1 Y[6] = 10.8 Y[7] = 10.8 Y[8] = 30.5 Y[9] = 30.5 Y[10] = 39.45 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 15" NumVerts = 12 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -47.85 X[4] = -47.85 X[5] = 19.1 X[6] = 19.1 X[7] = 8.25 X[8] = 8.25 X[9] = 121.55 X[10] = 121.55 X[11] = 125.75 X[12] = 125.75 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 39.45 Y[4] = 30.5 Y[5] = 30.5 Y[6] = 10.8 Y[7] = 10.8 Y[8] = -45.1 Y[9] = -45.1 Y[10] = -20.45 Y[11] = -20.3 Y[12] = 67.9 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 4_4th Flr" ShortName = "GndPrm" AssignedSystem = "RTU-4" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 3400 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 3_4th flr" ShortName = "GndPrm" AssignedSystem = "RTU-3" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 3400 .. ShellWiz "5th Floor" ScreenIDArrIdx = 24 ScreenIDArrID = 87 BldgType = "Health, Medical Clinic/Prof. Bldg (outpatient)" GrossArea = 29039 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Ref = "Ground Floor" ShellPos_Dist = 0 ShellPos_Specify = 1 BldgX = 0 BldgY = 0 BldgZ = 61 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "West" UseAspectRatio = 0 FlrToFlr = 16 FlrToCeiling = 16 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 UseFloorMults = 0 DiagLink = "EL5 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "Metal Frame, 24 in. o.c." RoofBrdInsType = "6 in. polyisocyanurate (R-42)" RoofSecInsType = "- no batt or rad barrier -" VertExtConsType = "Metal Frame, 2x6, 24 in. o.c." VertExtBrdInsType = "3 in. polyisocyanurate (R-21)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-13 batt" VertExtIntInsType = "1 in. polyisocyanurate (R-7)" VertExtFinish = "Stucco/Gunite" GrndFlrExposure = "Over Conditioned Space (adiabatic)" GrndFlrInsType = "5 in. polyurethane (R-30)" GrndFlrSecInsType = "- no surface finish -" ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 10 FloorVertX[1] = -65.85 FloorVertX[2] = -65.85 FloorVertX[3] = -146.85 FloorVertX[4] = -146.85 FloorVertX[5] = -2.25 FloorVertX[6] = -2.25 FloorVertX[7] = 121.55 FloorVertX[8] = 121.55 FloorVertX[9] = 125.75 FloorVertX[10] = 125.75 FloorVertY[1] = 67.9 FloorVertY[2] = 39.45 FloorVertY[3] = 39.45 FloorVertY[4] = -49.55 FloorVertY[5] = -49.55 FloorVertY[6] = -45.1 FloorVertY[7] = -45.1 FloorVertY[8] = -20.45 FloorVertY[9] = -20.3 FloorVertY[10] = 67.9 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[3] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[4] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[5] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[6] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[7] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[8] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" GroundZnGrp[9] = "Zone 5_5th Flr" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL5 Underground Areas", "EL5 Ground Floor Core", "EL5 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL5 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL5 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL5 Top Floor Core", "EL5 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 1 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 29039 FloorPerimLen = 779.953 LastFootprint = 1 CustFPDirsCurrent = 1 OverhangOption = "None" GTCCategory[1] = "Double Pilkington" GTCCategory[2] = "Double Pilkington" GlassTypeCode[1] = "Arctic Blue/Arg/Energy Adv LowE 6mm (6844: U=0.29 SHGC=0.33 VT=0.43)" WindowHeight[1] = 5.5 WindowHeight[2] = 6 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinFrameType[2] = "Alum w/ Brk, Fixed, Ins Spacer" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 28.1 PercentGlassI1[2] = 0 PercentGlassI2[1] = 14.5 PercentGlassI2[2] = 14 PercentGlassI3[1] = 28.5 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 PercentGlassI4[1] = 17 PercentGlassI4[2] = 17.5 DoorType[1] = "- select another -" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" NumExtDoors1[1] = 2 NumExtDoors1[2] = 2 NumExtDoors2[1] = 2 NumExtDoors2[2] = 2 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[2] = 0 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 1 DayltZones[6] = 1 DayltZones[7] = 1 DayltZones[8] = 1 DayltZones[9] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 1 DayltZones[206] = 1 DayltZones[207] = 1 DayltZones[208] = 1 DayltZones[209] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 0 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent[3] = 1 BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[6] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[7] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[8] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[9] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[206] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[207] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[208] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[209] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 PrimarilyCore[2] = 0 PrimarilyCore[3] = 0 PrimarilyCore[4] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[1] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[2] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[4] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 0 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 0 OccShape[1] = "EL5 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL5 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[4] = 1.2 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.8 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 1.2 ELElecIntens = 0.2 ELDayShapes = ( "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL5 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 1 OEElecIntens[2] = 1 OEElecIntens[3] = 1 OEElecIntens[4] = 1 OEElecIntens[5] = 0.1 MiscShape[1] = "EL5 Misc Profile (S1)" DHWShape[1] = "EL5 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL5 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL5 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL5 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL5 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL5 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL5 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL5 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL5 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -50.85 X[4] = -50.85 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 24.45 Y[4] = 52.9 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -65.85 X[2] = -146.85 X[3] = -131.85 X[4] = -50.85 Y[1] = 39.45 Y[2] = 39.45 Y[3] = 24.45 Y[4] = 24.45 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 3" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -146.85 X[2] = -146.85 X[3] = -131.85 X[4] = -131.85 Y[1] = 39.45 Y[2] = -49.55 Y[3] = -34.55 Y[4] = 24.45 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 4" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -146.85 X[2] = -2.25 X[3] = -17.25 X[4] = -131.85 Y[1] = -49.55 Y[2] = -49.55 Y[3] = -34.55 Y[4] = -34.55 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 5" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = -2.25 X[2] = -2.25 X[3] = 121.55 X[4] = 106.55 X[5] = -17.25 X[6] = -17.25 Y[1] = -49.55 Y[2] = -45.1 Y[3] = -45.1 Y[4] = -30.1 Y[5] = -30.1 Y[6] = -34.55 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 6" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 121.55 X[2] = 121.55 X[3] = 125.75 X[4] = 110.75 X[5] = 106.55 X[6] = 106.55 Y[1] = -45.1 Y[2] = -20.45 Y[3] = -20.3 Y[4] = -5.82616 Y[5] = -5.97616 Y[6] = -30.1 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 7" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 125.75 X[2] = 125.75 X[3] = 110.75 X[4] = 110.75 Y[1] = -20.3 Y[2] = 67.9 Y[3] = 52.9 Y[4] = -5.82616 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 8" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 125.75 X[2] = -65.85 X[3] = -50.85 X[4] = 110.75 Y[1] = 67.9 Y[2] = 67.9 Y[3] = 52.9 Y[4] = 52.9 .. CustomZone "EL5 Custom Zone 9" NumVerts = 10 X[1] = -17.25 X[2] = 106.55 X[3] = 106.55 X[4] = 110.75 X[5] = 110.75 X[6] = -50.85 X[7] = -50.85 X[8] = -131.85 X[9] = -131.85 X[10] = -17.25 Y[1] = -30.1 Y[2] = -30.1 Y[3] = -5.97616 Y[4] = -5.82616 Y[5] = 52.9 Y[6] = 52.9 Y[7] = 24.45 Y[8] = 24.45 Y[9] = -34.55 Y[10] = -34.55 .. ZnGrpWiz "Zone 5_5th Flr" ShortName = "GndPrm" AssignedSystem = "RTU-5" HaveExhaustFans = 1 XFanFlow = 8000 .. DiagData "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -166.85 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -85.55 PolyWndWidth = 310.889 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 1 ShowCADLayer[3] = 1 ShowCADLayer[4] = 1 ShowCADLayer[5] = 1 ShowCADLayer[6] = 1 ShowCADLayer[7] = 0 ShowCADLayer[8] = 1 ShowCADLayer[9] = 1 ShowCADLayer[10] = 1 ShowCADLayer[11] = 1 ShowCADLayer[12] = 0 ShowCADLayer[13] = 1 ShowCADLayer[14] = 1 ShowCADLayer[15] = 1 ShowCADLayer[16] = 1 ShowCADLayer[17] = 1 ShowCADLayer[18] = 1 ShowCADLayer[19] = 1 ShowCADLayer[20] = 1 ShowCADLayer[21] = 1 ShowCADLayer[22] = 1 ShowCADLayer[23] = 1 ShowCADLayer[24] = 1 ShowCADLayer[25] = 1 ShowCADLayer[26] = 1 ShowCADLayer[27] = 1 ShowCADLayer[28] = 1 ShowCADLayer[29] = 1 ShowCADLayer[30] = 1 ShowCADLayer[31] = 1 ShowCADLayer[32] = 1 ShowCADLayer[33] = 1 CADFileComp = "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 3" .. DiagData "EL2 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndShowGrid = 1 PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -166.85 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -85.55 PolyWndWidth = 310.889 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 ShowCADLayer[3] = 0 ShowCADLayer[4] = 0 ShowCADLayer[5] = 0 ShowCADLayer[6] = 0 ShowCADLayer[7] = 0 ShowCADLayer[8] = 0 ShowCADLayer[9] = 0 ShowCADLayer[10] = 0 ShowCADLayer[11] = 0 ShowCADLayer[12] = 0 ShowCADLayer[13] = 0 ShowCADLayer[14] = 0 ShowCADLayer[15] = 1 ShowCADLayer[16] = 0 ShowCADLayer[17] = 0 ShowCADLayer[18] = 0 ShowCADLayer[19] = 0 ShowCADLayer[20] = 0 ShowCADLayer[21] = 0 ShowCADLayer[22] = 0 ShowCADLayer[23] = 0 ShowCADLayer[24] = 0 ShowCADLayer[25] = 0 ShowCADLayer[26] = 0 ShowCADLayer[27] = 0 ShowCADLayer[28] = 1 ShowCADLayer[29] = 0 ShowCADLayer[30] = 0 ShowCADLayer[31] = 0 ShowCADLayer[32] = 1 ShowCADLayer[33] = 1 CADFileComp = "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 3" .. DiagData "EL3 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -272.85 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -235 PolyWndWidth = 524.625 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 1 ShowCADLayer[3] = 1 ShowCADLayer[4] = 1 ShowCADLayer[5] = 1 ShowCADLayer[6] = 1 ShowCADLayer[7] = 1 ShowCADLayer[8] = 1 ShowCADLayer[9] = 1 ShowCADLayer[10] = 1 ShowCADLayer[11] = 1 ShowCADLayer[12] = 1 ShowCADLayer[13] = 1 ShowCADLayer[14] = 1 ShowCADLayer[15] = 1 ShowCADLayer[16] = 1 ShowCADLayer[17] = 1 ShowCADLayer[18] = 1 ShowCADLayer[19] = 0 ShowCADLayer[20] = 0 ShowCADLayer[21] = 0 ShowCADLayer[22] = 0 ShowCADLayer[23] = 0 ShowCADLayer[24] = 0 ShowCADLayer[25] = 0 ShowCADLayer[26] = 0 ShowCADLayer[27] = 0 ShowCADLayer[28] = 1 ShowCADLayer[29] = 0 ShowCADLayer[30] = 0 ShowCADLayer[31] = 0 ShowCADLayer[32] = 0 ShowCADLayer[33] = 0 CADFileComp = "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 4" .. DiagData "EL4 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -272.85 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -235 PolyWndWidth = 524.625 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 ShowCADLayer[3] = 0 ShowCADLayer[4] = 0 ShowCADLayer[5] = 0 ShowCADLayer[6] = 0 ShowCADLayer[7] = 0 ShowCADLayer[8] = 0 ShowCADLayer[9] = 0 ShowCADLayer[10] = 0 ShowCADLayer[11] = 0 ShowCADLayer[12] = 0 ShowCADLayer[13] = 0 ShowCADLayer[14] = 0 ShowCADLayer[15] = 1 ShowCADLayer[16] = 0 ShowCADLayer[17] = 0 ShowCADLayer[18] = 0 ShowCADLayer[19] = 0 ShowCADLayer[20] = 0 ShowCADLayer[21] = 0 ShowCADLayer[22] = 0 ShowCADLayer[23] = 0 ShowCADLayer[24] = 0 ShowCADLayer[25] = 0 ShowCADLayer[26] = 0 ShowCADLayer[27] = 0 ShowCADLayer[28] = 1 ShowCADLayer[29] = 1 ShowCADLayer[30] = 1 ShowCADLayer[31] = 1 ShowCADLayer[32] = 1 ShowCADLayer[33] = 1 CADFileComp = "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 3" .. DiagData "EL5 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -166.85 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -85.55 PolyWndWidth = 310.889 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 1 ShowCADLayer[3] = 1 ShowCADLayer[4] = 1 ShowCADLayer[5] = 1 ShowCADLayer[6] = 1 ShowCADLayer[7] = 0 ShowCADLayer[8] = 1 ShowCADLayer[9] = 1 ShowCADLayer[10] = 1 ShowCADLayer[11] = 1 ShowCADLayer[12] = 0 ShowCADLayer[13] = 1 ShowCADLayer[14] = 1 ShowCADLayer[15] = 1 ShowCADLayer[16] = 1 ShowCADLayer[17] = 1 ShowCADLayer[18] = 1 ShowCADLayer[19] = 1 ShowCADLayer[20] = 1 ShowCADLayer[21] = 1 ShowCADLayer[22] = 1 ShowCADLayer[23] = 1 ShowCADLayer[24] = 1 ShowCADLayer[25] = 1 ShowCADLayer[26] = 1 ShowCADLayer[27] = 1 ShowCADLayer[28] = 1 ShowCADLayer[29] = 1 ShowCADLayer[30] = 1 ShowCADLayer[31] = 1 ShowCADLayer[32] = 1 ShowCADLayer[33] = 1 CADFileComp = "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 3" .. CADFile "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG" ScaleUnits = 0 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 0 OriginY = 0 Azimuth = 0 .. CADFile "300729000200eQuest01 - DWG" ScaleUnits = 0 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 0 OriginY = 0 Azimuth = 0 .. CADFile "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 3" ScaleUnits = 0 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 0 OriginY = 0 Azimuth = 0 .. CADFile "UMCP to 300729000200 - DWG 4" ScaleUnits = 0 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 0 OriginY = 0 Azimuth = 0 .. HVACWiz "RTU-1" ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 133 CoolSource[1] = "DX Coils" HeatSource[1] = "Hot Water Coils" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat" ReheatDeltaT[1] = 50 DesCoolEff[1] = 9.9 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 70 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 0.4 FanNightCycleOpt[1] = "Cycle Zone Fans Only" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Site" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "> 760 kBtuh or 63 tons" DXCondenserType[1] = "Air-Cooled" .. HVACWiz "RTU-2" ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 133 HeatSource[1] = "Hot Water Coils" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat" ReheatDeltaT[1] = 50 DesCoolEff[1] = 9.9 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 70 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 0.4 FanNightCycleOpt[1] = "Cycle Zone Fans Only" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Shell" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "> 760 kBtuh or 63 tons" DXCondenserType[1] = "Air-Cooled" .. HVACWiz "RTU-3" ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 133 HeatSource[1] = "Hot Water Coils" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat" ReheatDeltaT[1] = 50 DesCoolEff[1] = 9.9 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 70 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 0.4 FanNightCycleOpt[1] = "Cycle Zone Fans Only" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Site" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "> 760 kBtuh or 63 tons" DXCondenserType[1] = "Air-Cooled" .. HVACWiz "RTU-4" ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 133 HeatSource[1] = "Hot Water Coils" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat" ReheatDeltaT[1] = 50 DesCoolEff[1] = 9.9 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 70 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 0.4 FanNightCycleOpt[1] = "Cycle Zone Fans Only" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Site" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "> 760 kBtuh or 63 tons" DXCondenserType[1] = "Air-Cooled" .. HVACWiz "RTU-5" ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 133 HeatSource[1] = "Hot Water Coils" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat" ReheatDeltaT[1] = 50 DesCoolEff[1] = 9.9 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 70 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 0.4 FanNightCycleOpt[1] = "Cycle Zone Fans Only" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Floor" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "> 760 kBtuh or 63 tons" DXCondenserType[1] = "Air-Cooled" .. DXCWWiz "Water-Cooled DX System" .. WSECWWiz "Wtr-Side Econo System" .. WLHPWiz "WSHP System" .. GSHPWiz "GSHP System" .. PrimWiz "Primary HVAC Plant" HWScrnIDArrIdx = 1 HWScrnIDArrID = 231 HWSysLoopFlow = "Variable" HWSysPumpCtrl = "Single Speed" HWSysPumpHead = 60 HWSysPumpFlow = 242 HWSysPumpEff = "Standard" HWSysControl[1] = "OA Reset" HWSysMinTemp[1] = 150 HWSysOperation = "Scheduled" HWSysControlBy = "OA Temperature" HWSysPumpTemp = 50 HWLoopDeltaT = 50 BoilerType[1] = "Condensing HW Boiler" .. DHWWiz "DHW Plant 1" ScreenIDArrIdx = 0 DHWTankInsRVal = 12.5 DHWSupplyTemp = 110 DHWUsage = 0.3 .. FacetColor "By Wall Type" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Wall Type" .. FacetColor "By Construction" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Construction" .. FacetColor "Uniform" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "Uniform" .. FacetColor "By Glass Type" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "By Glass Type" .. Light3D "Light3D - Default" Type = "Default" .. Light3D "Light3D - User1" Type = "User Defined 1" .. Light3D "Light3D - User2" Type = "User Defined 2" .. Light3D "Light3D - User3" Type = "User Defined 3" .. Light3D "Light3D - User4" Type = "User Defined 4" .. Light3D "Light3D - User5" Type = "User Defined 5" .. ERateWiz "Custom Elec Rate" Version = 1 UniformChargeKWH[1] = 0.1444 TOUPeriodsChecked = 1 TOUPeriodErrSeas1 = " " TOUPeriodErrS1b = " " .. FRateWiz "Custom Gas Rate" Version = 1 UniformChargeUse[1] = 0.858 .. Measure "UMCP DD_81910_2" Category = "Whole Site/Building" Type = "Whole Site/Building" .. END_OF_FILE