Hello Everyone,<br><br>We
are in the process of modeling a 10-story residential brick tower for
the Tarrytown Municipal Housing Authority. They have two old Eastman
Boilers that burn #2 fuel oil and serves both space heating (through a
steam loop) and domestic hot water (steam coils). We can't seem to
figure out how to apply #2 Fuel oil to the boilers in our eQuest model.
In the Domestic Hot Water Properties window the only options for DHW
type are 1) gas, 2) electricity and 3) heat pump. The boiler in the
diagram for space heating does not seem to have any options to apply a
"type". Does anyone know how to model this? Basically we are just
looking for a simple way for the model to recognize that the boilers
are burning <u>OIL</u> and not Natural Gas and have the reports reflect this consumption. Thanks.<br>
<br>Regards,<br><br>Vaughn Slovak<br>Architectural Designer<br>Synergy Design<br>p.845.255.1733<br>f.845.255.1694