Hi All,<br><br>I'm having some issues with loop and pump operation in eQuest.<br><br>I have tested this issue with water loop heat pump loops. Basically, I set my loop design DT, but for many hours, the loop operates at very low temperature differentials. With the given load on the loop, this requires a high flow, and results in high pump energy!<br>
<br>Specifically, for a heat pump loop, I'm expecting a 7-10 F difference in supply and return temperatures at all times. I just ran a test model with a loop design DT specified at 10 F. For hours when there is a heating only load on the loop, I have an average difference in supply and return temperatures of about 3 degrees. This requires the pump to move about 3 times more water than necessary. My system is modeled with variable speed pumps, and isolation valves at each heat pump.<br>
<br>Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>--<br>Karen<br><input type="hidden"><input type="hidden"><div></div>
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