Proj "Stewart Avenue Proposed V2" ProgramVersion = "eQUEST 3.63.6510" BDBaseVersion = 24 ProductCode = "eQUEST" WeatherFile = "TMY2\NEW-YONY.bin" CreateDate = 1246545034 ModDate = 1250097209 RunDate = 1250094446 LibraryFile = "eQ_Lib.dat" ActiveMode = 0 InputModule = 4 UseCameraData = 1 ClippingRange = ( 338.497, 1131.28 ) FocalPoint = ( 144.5, 34, 13.0044 ) Position = ( 196.738, 531.016, 217.606 ) ViewUpVector = ( 0, 0, 1 ) ViewAngle = 28.0866 InterfaceMode = 1 AllowWizard = 1 NotProjFile = "Stewart Avenue Proposed V2" InputUnitsType = "English" OutputUnitsType = "English" ActiveFacetColors[1] = "By Wall Type" PreviousName = "Stewart Avenue Proposed V1" DetailedModelEdits = 1 ProjTreeType[2] = 1 ProjTreeType[3] = 1 ProjTreeType[4] = 1 ProjTreeType[5] = 1 ProjTreeID[2] = 10410000 ProjTreeID[3] = 10080000 ProjTreeID[4] = 10660000 ProjTreeID[5] = 10480001 ProjTreeLabel[2] = "EL1 Ground Flr" ProjTreeLabel[3] = "EL1 SSE Perim Spc (G.SSE1)" ProjTreeLabel[4] = "WLHP Blr (HWCondnsng)" ProjTreeLabel[5] = "EL1 Sys1 (PVVT) (G.NNW2)" .. MainWiz "Stewart Avenue Proposed V2" ProductCode = "eQUEST" WizardType = "Design Development" DebugID = 0 AllowCustWinDoor = 1 ScreenIDArrIdx = 6 ScreenIDArrID = 250 Coverage = "All eQUEST Locations" State = "New York" Location = "Poughkeepsie" ElecUtility = "- custom -" GasUtility = "- none -" UserElecRate[1] = "Custom Elec Rate" UserFuelRate = "Custom Gas Rate" BldgType = "Multifamily, Mid-Rise (interior entries)" .. ShellWiz "Third Floor" ModelEnduse[2] = 0 ScreenIDArrIdx = 15 ScreenIDArrID = 78 BldgType = "Multifamily, Mid-Rise (interior entries)" GrossArea = 19652 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Specify = 1 BldgY = 9.8 Footprint = "Rectangle" Orientation = "East North East" X[1] = 289 Y[1] = 68 FlrToFlr = 8 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" HasAttic = 0 NumMCZnGrps = 0 DiagLink = "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofInsulLocation = "Attic Floor" VertExtBrdInsType = "1 1/2 in. polyurethane (R-9)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-19 batt" VertExtFinish = "Stucco/Gunite" GrndFlrExposure = "Earth Contact" GrndFlrInsType = "horz int bd, R-10, 2ft wide" GrndFlrPTSlab = 0 PerimInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" CoreInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" PerimInfil = 0.35 CoreInfil = 0.1 ZoningCurrent = 1 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "Stairs" GroundZnGrp[2] = "Stairs" GroundZnGrp[3] = "Corridors" GroundZnGrp[4] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[5] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[6] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[7] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[8] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[9] = "Apartments" GroundZnGrp[10] = "Library" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL1 Underground Areas", "EL1 Ground Floor Core", "EL1 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL1 Top Floor Core", "EL1 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 0 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 9 CustomRoofZoning = -1 LastFootprint = 1 LastX[1] = 289 LastY[1] = 68 GTCCategory[1] = "- specify properties -" GTCCategory[2] = "- specify properties -" WindowHeight[1] = 4.67 WindowHeight[2] = 6.67 WinSillHeight[1] = 1.5 WinSillHeight[2] = 0.5 PercentGlass1[1] = 22.9 PercentGlass1[2] = 13.8 PercentGlass2[1] = 22.9 PercentGlass2[2] = 13.8 PercentGlass3[1] = 11.4 PercentGlass3[2] = 0 PercentGlass4[1] = 11.4 PercentGlass4[2] = 0 DoorType[1] = "- select another -" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" TypWindowWidth[1] = 6.67 TypWindowWidth[2] = 6 GP_SpecMethod[1] = "U-Value" GP_SpecMethod[2] = "U-Value" GP_UValue[1] = 0.31 GP_UValue[2] = 0.31 GP_ShadingCoef[1] = 0.33 GP_ShadingCoef[2] = 0.33 GP_BDLVisualTrans[1] = 0.64 GP_BDLVisualTrans[2] = 0.64 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyltZones[10] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 0 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 1 DayltZones[410] = 1 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent = ( 1, 1, 1 ) BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[410] = 0 ActAreaType[3] = "All Others" ActAreaType[4] = "Library (Reading Areas)" PercentArea[1] = 71 OccupDensity[1] = 495 Ventilation[1] = 24 LndryUnitsPerFlr = 16 LndryLdsPUnitPWk = 3 LndryDryerFuel = "Electricity" SeasonType[1] = "24-Hour Operation, Typical Use" OpenSeas1[1] = "Open 24 hrs." OpenSeas1[6] = "Open 24 hrs." OccShape[1] = "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.5 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.6 ILElecIntens[4] = 0.9 ELDayShapes = ( "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" CEShape[1] = "EL1 CookEq Profile (S1)" CEDivEIntens[1] = 0.25 CEESensFrac[1] = 0.4 MiscShape[1] = "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" MiscDivEIntens[1] = 0.25 MiscDivEIntens[2] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[3] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[4] = 0.2 DHWShape[1] = "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL1 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" SCRElecIntens[1] = 0.07 DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 HasPitchedRoof = 1 RoofAngle = 26.5 RoofEndIsGable[2] = 0 RoofEndIsGable[4] = 0 .. ShapeWiz "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 CookEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 265 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 265 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 24 X[3] = 24 X[4] = 0 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 3" NumVerts = 20 X[1] = 24 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 106.15 X[5] = 106.15 X[6] = 185.8 X[7] = 185.8 X[8] = 256.3 X[9] = 256.3 X[10] = 265 X[11] = 265 X[12] = 256.3 X[13] = 256.3 X[14] = 185.8 X[15] = 185.8 X[16] = 106.15 X[17] = 106.15 X[18] = 34.65 X[19] = 34.65 X[20] = 24 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 Y[9] = 29 Y[10] = 29 Y[11] = 39 Y[12] = 39 Y[13] = 37 Y[14] = 37 Y[15] = 38 Y[16] = 38 Y[17] = 37 Y[18] = 37 Y[19] = 39 Y[20] = 39 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 4" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 36.5 X[3] = 36.5 X[4] = 34.65 X[5] = 34.65 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 29 Y[6] = 29 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 5" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 289 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 256.3 X[4] = 256.3 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 252.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 29 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 31 Y[6] = 0 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 6" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 252.5 X[3] = 252.5 X[4] = 185.8 X[5] = 185.8 X[6] = 106.15 X[7] = 106.15 X[8] = 36.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 7" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 256.3 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 252.5 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 256.3 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 Y[5] = 37 Y[6] = 37 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 8" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 36.5 X[5] = 36.5 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 37 Y[4] = 37 Y[5] = 68 Y[6] = 68 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 9" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 106.15 X[3] = 106.15 X[4] = 185.8 X[5] = 185.8 X[6] = 237.5 X[7] = 237.5 X[8] = 36.5 Y[1] = 37 Y[2] = 37 Y[3] = 38 Y[4] = 38 Y[5] = 37 Y[6] = 37 Y[7] = 68 Y[8] = 68 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 10" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 237.5 X[2] = 252.5 X[3] = 252.5 X[4] = 237.5 Y[1] = 37 Y[2] = 37 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 .. ZnGrpWiz "Apartments" ActAreaPct[1] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "Stairs" ActAreaPct[3] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "Corridors" ActAreaPct[2] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "Library" ActAreaPct[4] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. RoofZone "Roof Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = -2 X[2] = 291 X[3] = 291 X[4] = -2 Y[1] = -2 Y[2] = -2 Y[3] = 70 Y[4] = 70 Volume = 173856 PeakHt = 17.9489 PolyArea = 21096 GableArea = 0 EdgeNumVerts = 4 EdgeX[1] = -2 EdgeX[2] = 291 EdgeX[3] = 291 EdgeX[4] = -2 EdgeY[1] = -2 EdgeY[2] = -2 EdgeY[3] = 70 EdgeY[4] = 70 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 1" RoofZoneVert = 0 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 293 X[3] = 257 X[4] = 36 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 40.2264 Y[4] = 40.2264 Tilt = 26.5 Azimuth = 180 XHorz[1] = -2 XHorz[2] = 291 XHorz[3] = 255 XHorz[4] = 34 YHorz[1] = -2 YHorz[2] = -2 YHorz[3] = 34 YHorz[4] = 34 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 17.9489 ZHorz[4] = 17.9489 XGable = -2 YGable = -2 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 2" RoofZoneVert = 0 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 291 X[4] = -2 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 2 Y[4] = 2 Tilt = 180 Azimuth = 180 XHorz[1] = 0 XHorz[2] = 289 XHorz[3] = 291 XHorz[4] = -2 YHorz[1] = 0 YHorz[2] = 0 YHorz[3] = -2 YHorz[4] = -2 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 0 ZHorz[4] = 0 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 3" RoofZoneVert = 1 NumVerts = 3 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 72 X[3] = 36 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 40.2264 Tilt = 26.5 Azimuth = 90 XHorz[1] = 291 XHorz[2] = 291 XHorz[3] = 255 YHorz[1] = -2 YHorz[2] = 70 YHorz[3] = 34 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 17.9489 XGable = 291 YGable = -2 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 4" RoofZoneVert = 1 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 68 X[3] = 70 X[4] = -2 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 2 Y[4] = 2 Tilt = 180 Azimuth = 90 XHorz[1] = 289 XHorz[2] = 289 XHorz[3] = 291 XHorz[4] = 291 YHorz[1] = 0 YHorz[2] = 68 YHorz[3] = 70 YHorz[4] = -2 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 0 ZHorz[4] = 0 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 5" RoofZoneVert = 2 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 293 X[3] = 257 X[4] = 36 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 40.2264 Y[4] = 40.2264 Tilt = 26.5 Azimuth = 0 XHorz[1] = 291 XHorz[2] = -2 XHorz[3] = 34 XHorz[4] = 255 YHorz[1] = 70 YHorz[2] = 70 YHorz[3] = 34 YHorz[4] = 34 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 17.9489 ZHorz[4] = 17.9489 XGable = 291 YGable = 70 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 6" RoofZoneVert = 2 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 291 X[4] = -2 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 2 Y[4] = 2 Tilt = 180 Azimuth = 0 XHorz[1] = 289 XHorz[2] = 0 XHorz[3] = -2 XHorz[4] = 291 YHorz[1] = 68 YHorz[2] = 68 YHorz[3] = 70 YHorz[4] = 70 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 0 ZHorz[4] = 0 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 7" RoofZoneVert = 3 NumVerts = 3 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 72 X[3] = 36 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 40.2264 Tilt = 26.5 Azimuth = -90 XHorz[1] = -2 XHorz[2] = -2 XHorz[3] = 34 YHorz[1] = 70 YHorz[2] = -2 YHorz[3] = 34 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 17.9489 XGable = -2 YGable = 70 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. RoofWall "Roof Wall 8" RoofZoneVert = 3 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 68 X[3] = 70 X[4] = -2 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 2 Y[4] = 2 Tilt = 180 Azimuth = -90 XHorz[1] = 0 XHorz[2] = 0 XHorz[3] = -2 XHorz[4] = -2 YHorz[1] = 68 YHorz[2] = 0 YHorz[3] = -2 YHorz[4] = 70 ZHorz[1] = 0 ZHorz[2] = 0 ZHorz[3] = 0 ZHorz[4] = 0 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. AtticFlr "Attic Floor 1" RoofZoneVert = 0 NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 289 X[2] = 0 X[3] = 0 X[4] = 289 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 Tilt = 0 Azimuth = 180 SpacePolyIdx = -1 .. ShellWiz "Second Floor" ModelEnduse[2] = 0 ScreenIDArrIdx = 15 ScreenIDArrID = 78 BldgType = "Multifamily, Mid-Rise (interior entries)" GrossArea = 19652 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Dir = "Immediately Below" Footprint = "Rectangle" Orientation = "East North East" X[1] = 289 Y[1] = 68 FlrToFlr = 9.8 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" HasAttic = 0 NumMCZnGrps = 0 DiagLink = "EL2 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofInsulLocation = "Attic Floor" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtBrdInsType = "1 1/2 in. polyurethane (R-9)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-19 batt" VertExtFinish = "Stucco/Gunite" GrndFlrExposure = "Over Conditioned Space (adiabatic)" GrndFlrPTSlab = 0 PerimInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" CoreInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" PerimInfil = 0.35 CoreInfil = 0.1 ZoningCurrent = 1 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "EL2 Stairs" GroundZnGrp[2] = "EL2 Stairs" GroundZnGrp[3] = "EL2 Corridors" GroundZnGrp[4] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[5] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[6] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[7] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[8] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[9] = "EL2 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[10] = "EL2 Library" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL2 Underground Areas", "EL2 Ground Floor Core", "EL2 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL2 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL2 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL2 Top Floor Core", "EL2 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 0 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 6 CustomRoofZoning = -1 LastFootprint = 1 LastX[1] = 289 LastY[1] = 68 GTCCategory[1] = "- specify properties -" GTCCategory[2] = "- specify properties -" WindowHeight[1] = 4.67 WindowHeight[2] = 6.67 WinSillHeight[1] = 1.5 WinSillHeight[2] = 0.5 PercentGlass1[1] = 22.9 PercentGlass1[2] = 13.8 PercentGlass2[1] = 21.6 PercentGlass2[2] = 13.8 PercentGlass3[1] = 11.45 PercentGlass3[2] = 0 PercentGlass4[1] = 11.45 PercentGlass4[2] = 0 DoorType[1] = "Glass" DoorType[2] = "- select another -" NumExtDoors1[1] = 1 NumExtDoors2[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 TypWindowWidth[1] = 6.67 TypWindowWidth[2] = 6 GP_SpecMethod[1] = "U-Value" GP_SpecMethod[2] = "U-Value" GP_UValue[1] = 0.31 GP_UValue[2] = 0.31 GP_ShadingCoef[1] = 0.33 GP_ShadingCoef[2] = 0.33 GP_BDLVisualTrans[1] = 0.64 GP_BDLVisualTrans[2] = 0.64 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyltZones[10] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 1 DayltZones[410] = 1 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent = ( 1, 1, 1 ) BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[410] = 0 ActAreaType[3] = "All Others" ActAreaType[4] = "Lobby (Main Entry and Assembly)" PercentArea[1] = 71 OccupDensity[1] = 495 Ventilation[1] = 24 LndryUnitsPerFlr = 16 LndryLdsPUnitPWk = 3 LndryDryerFuel = "Electricity" SeasonType[1] = "24-Hour Operation, Typical Use" OpenSeas1[1] = "Open 24 hrs." OpenSeas1[6] = "Open 24 hrs." OccShape[1] = "EL2 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL2 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.5 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.6 ILElecIntens[4] = 0.7 ELDayShapes = ( "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL2 OffEq Profile (S1)" CEShape[1] = "EL2 CookEq Profile (S1)" CEDivEIntens[1] = 0.25 CEESensFrac[1] = 0.4 MiscShape[1] = "EL2 Misc Profile (S1)" MiscDivEIntens[1] = 0.25 MiscDivEIntens[2] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[3] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[4] = 0.2 DHWShape[1] = "EL2 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL2 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" SCRElecIntens[1] = 0.07 DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 HasPitchedRoof = 0 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 RoofEndIsGable[2] = 0 RoofEndIsGable[4] = 0 .. ShapeWiz "EL2 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL2 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 CookEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL2 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 265 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 265 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 24 X[3] = 24 X[4] = 0 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 3" NumVerts = 28 X[1] = 24 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 106.15 X[5] = 106.15 X[6] = 185.8 X[7] = 185.8 X[8] = 237.5 X[9] = 237.5 X[10] = 252.5 X[11] = 252.5 X[12] = 256.3 X[13] = 256.3 X[14] = 265 X[15] = 265 X[16] = 256.3 X[17] = 256.3 X[18] = 252.5 X[19] = 252.5 X[20] = 237.5 X[21] = 237.5 X[22] = 185.8 X[23] = 185.8 X[24] = 106.15 X[25] = 106.15 X[26] = 34.65 X[27] = 34.65 X[28] = 24 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 Y[9] = 0 Y[10] = 0 Y[11] = 31 Y[12] = 31 Y[13] = 29 Y[14] = 29 Y[15] = 39 Y[16] = 39 Y[17] = 37 Y[18] = 37 Y[19] = 61 Y[20] = 61 Y[21] = 37 Y[22] = 37 Y[23] = 38 Y[24] = 38 Y[25] = 37 Y[26] = 37 Y[27] = 39 Y[28] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 4" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 36.5 X[3] = 36.5 X[4] = 34.65 X[5] = 34.65 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 29 Y[6] = 29 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 5" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 289 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 256.3 X[4] = 256.3 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 252.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 29 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 31 Y[6] = 0 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 6" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 237.5 X[3] = 237.5 X[4] = 185.8 X[5] = 185.8 X[6] = 106.15 X[7] = 106.15 X[8] = 36.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 7" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 256.3 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 252.5 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 256.3 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 Y[5] = 37 Y[6] = 37 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 8" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 36.5 X[5] = 36.5 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 37 Y[4] = 37 Y[5] = 68 Y[6] = 68 .. CustomZone "EL2 Custom Zone 9" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 106.15 X[3] = 106.15 X[4] = 185.8 X[5] = 185.8 X[6] = 237.5 X[7] = 237.5 X[8] = 36.5 Y[1] = 37 Y[2] = 37 Y[3] = 38 Y[4] = 38 Y[5] = 37 Y[6] = 37 Y[7] = 68 Y[8] = 68 .. ZnGrpWiz "EL2 Apartments" ActAreaPct[1] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL2 Stairs" ActAreaPct[3] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL2 Corridors" ActAreaPct[2] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL2 Library" ActAreaPct[4] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 20" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 237.5 X[2] = 252.5 X[3] = 252.5 X[4] = 237.5 Y[1] = 61 Y[2] = 61 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 .. ShellWiz "Ground Floor" ModelEnduse[2] = 0 ScreenIDArrIdx = 15 ScreenIDArrID = 78 BldgType = "Multifamily, Mid-Rise (interior entries)" GrossArea = 19652 FlrsAboveGrade = 1 ShellPos_Dir = "Immediately Below" ShellPos_Specify = 0 Footprint = "Rectangle" Orientation = "East North East" X[1] = 289 Y[1] = 68 FlrToFlr = 10.1 FlrToCeiling = 8.25 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" HasAttic = 0 NumMCZnGrps = 0 DiagLink = "EL3 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofInsulLocation = "Attic Floor" RoofConsType = "No Exterior Exposure (adiabatic)" VertExtBrdInsType = "1 1/2 in. polyurethane (R-9)" VertExtSecInsType = "R-19 batt" VertExtFinish = "Stucco/Gunite" GrndFlrExposure = "Earth Contact" GrndFlrConsType = "4 in. Concrete" GrndFlrInsType = "horz ext bd, R-10, 2ft wide" GrndFlrPTSlab = 0 PerimInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" CoreInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" PerimInfil = 0.35 CoreInfil = 0.1 ZoningCurrent = 1 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 GroundZnGrp[1] = "EL3 Stairs" GroundZnGrp[2] = "EL3 Stairs" GroundZnGrp[3] = "EL3 Corridors" GroundZnGrp[4] = "EL3 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[5] = "EL3 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[6] = "EL3 Apartments" GroundZnGrp[7] = "Storage" GroundZnGrp[8] = "Storage" GroundZnGrp[9] = "Vestibule" GroundZnGrp[10] = "Lounge" GroundZnGrp[11] = "Storage" GroundZnGrp[12] = "Exercise" GroundZnGrp[13] = "Mechanical" ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL3 Underground Areas", "EL3 Ground Floor Core", "EL3 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL3 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL3 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL3 Top Floor Core", "EL3 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 0 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 13 CustomRoofZoning = -1 LastFootprint = 1 LastX[1] = 289 LastY[1] = 68 GTCCategory[1] = "- specify properties -" GTCCategory[2] = "- specify properties -" WindowHeight[1] = 4.67 WindowHeight[2] = 6.67 WinSillHeight[1] = 1.5 WinSillHeight[2] = 0.5 PercentGlass1[1] = 0 PercentGlass1[2] = 0 PercentGlass2[1] = 21.6 PercentGlass2[2] = 13.8 PercentGlass3[1] = 5.7 PercentGlass3[2] = 0 PercentGlass4[1] = 5.7 PercentGlass4[2] = 0 DoorType[1] = "Glass" DoorType[2] = "Glass" NumExtDoors1[1] = 0 NumExtDoors1[2] = 0 NumExtDoors2[1] = 1 NumExtDoors2[2] = 0 NumExtDoors3[1] = 0 NumExtDoors3[2] = 1 NumExtDoors4[1] = 0 NumExtDoors4[2] = 1 TypWindowWidth[1] = 6.67 TypWindowWidth[2] = 6 WinWdPrecedence[1] = 0 GP_SpecMethod[1] = "U-Value" GP_SpecMethod[2] = "U-Value" GP_UValue[1] = 0.31 GP_UValue[2] = 0.31 GP_ShadingCoef[1] = 0.33 GP_ShadingCoef[2] = 0.33 GP_BDLVisualTrans[1] = 0.64 GP_BDLVisualTrans[2] = 0.64 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyltZones[8] = 1 SkyltZones[9] = 1 SkyltZones[10] = 1 SkyltZones[11] = 1 SkyltZones[12] = 1 SkyltZones[13] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 0 DayltZones[201] = 1 DayltZones[202] = 1 DayltZones[203] = 1 DayltZones[204] = 1 DayltZones[205] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 1 DayltZones[402] = 1 DayltZones[403] = 0 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 1 DayltZones[408] = 1 DayltZones[409] = 1 DayltZones[410] = 1 DayltZones[411] = 1 DayltZones[412] = 1 DayltZones[413] = 1 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent = ( 1, 1, 1 ) BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[201] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[202] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[203] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[204] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[205] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[401] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[402] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[408] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[409] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[410] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[411] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[412] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[413] = 0 ActAreaType[3] = "All Others" ActAreaType[4] = "Lobby (Main Entry and Assembly)" ActAreaType[5] = "Storage (Conditioned)" ActAreaType[6] = "Exercising Centers and Gymnasium" ActAreaType[7] = "Mechanical/Electrical Room" ActAreaType[8] = "Library (Reading Areas)" PercentArea[1] = 71 PercentArea[4] = 1 PercentArea[5] = 1 PercentArea[6] = 1 PercentArea[7] = 1 PercentArea[8] = 2 OccupDensity[1] = 495 Ventilation[1] = 24 PrimarilyPerim[5] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[6] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[7] = 1 PrimarilyPerim[8] = 1 LndryUnitsPerFlr = 16 LndryLdsPUnitPWk = 3 LndryDryerFuel = "Electricity" SeasonType[1] = "24-Hour Operation, Typical Use" OpenSeas1[1] = "Open 24 hrs." OpenSeas1[6] = "Open 24 hrs." OccShape[1] = "EL3 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL3 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 0.9 ILElecIntens[2] = 0.5 ILElecIntens[3] = 0.6 ILElecIntens[4] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[5] = 0.5 ILElecIntens[6] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[7] = 0.7 ILElecIntens[8] = 0.9 ELDayShapes = ( "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL3 OffEq Profile (S1)" CEShape[1] = "EL3 CookEq Profile (S1)" CEDivEIntens[1] = 0.25 CEESensFrac[1] = 0.4 MiscShape[1] = "EL3 Misc Profile (S1)" MiscDivEIntens[1] = 0.21 MiscDivEIntens[2] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[3] = 0 MiscDivEIntens[4] = 0.2 MiscDivEIntens[5] = 0.9 MiscDivEIntens[6] = 0.9 MiscDivEIntens[7] = 1 MiscDivEIntens[8] = 0.25 DHWShape[1] = "EL3 DHW Profile (S1)" SCRShape[1] = "EL3 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" SCRElecIntens[1] = 0.07 DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 HasPitchedRoof = 0 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 RoofEndIsGable[2] = 0 RoofEndIsGable[4] = 0 .. ShapeWiz "EL3 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL3 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 CookEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL3 S-C Refrig Profile (S1)" .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 1" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 265 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 265 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 24 X[3] = 24 X[4] = 0 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 39 Y[4] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 3" NumVerts = 24 X[1] = 24 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 106.15 X[5] = 106.15 X[6] = 185.8 X[7] = 185.8 X[8] = 237.5 X[9] = 237.5 X[10] = 252.5 X[11] = 252.5 X[12] = 256.3 X[13] = 256.3 X[14] = 265 X[15] = 265 X[16] = 256.3 X[17] = 256.3 X[18] = 185.8 X[19] = 185.8 X[20] = 106.15 X[21] = 106.15 X[22] = 34.65 X[23] = 34.65 X[24] = 24 Y[1] = 29 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 Y[9] = 7 Y[10] = 7 Y[11] = 31 Y[12] = 31 Y[13] = 29 Y[14] = 29 Y[15] = 39 Y[16] = 39 Y[17] = 37 Y[18] = 37 Y[19] = 38 Y[20] = 38 Y[21] = 37 Y[22] = 37 Y[23] = 39 Y[24] = 39 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 4" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 36.5 X[3] = 36.5 X[4] = 34.65 X[5] = 34.65 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 29 Y[6] = 29 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 5" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 289 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 256.3 X[4] = 256.3 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 252.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 29 Y[3] = 29 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 31 Y[6] = 0 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 6" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 237.5 X[3] = 237.5 X[4] = 185.8 X[5] = 185.8 X[6] = 106.15 X[7] = 106.15 X[8] = 36.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 31 Y[4] = 31 Y[5] = 30 Y[6] = 30 Y[7] = 31 Y[8] = 31 ZoneType = "Conditioned" CustomCons_EWall = "- none -" .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 7" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 256.3 X[2] = 289 X[3] = 289 X[4] = 252.5 X[5] = 252.5 X[6] = 256.3 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 Y[5] = 37 Y[6] = 37 .. CustomZone "EL3 Custom Zone 8" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 0 X[2] = 34.65 X[3] = 34.65 X[4] = 36.5 X[5] = 36.5 X[6] = 0 Y[1] = 39 Y[2] = 39 Y[3] = 37 Y[4] = 37 Y[5] = 68 Y[6] = 68 .. ZnGrpWiz "EL3 Apartments" ActAreaPct[1] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL3 Stairs" ActAreaPct[3] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL3 Corridors" ActAreaPct[2] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 31" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 237.5 X[2] = 252.5 X[3] = 252.5 X[4] = 237.5 Y[1] = 0 Y[2] = 0 Y[3] = 7 Y[4] = 7 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 30" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 36.5 X[2] = 106.15 X[3] = 106.15 X[4] = 36.5 Y[1] = 37 Y[2] = 37 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 32" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 106.15 X[2] = 173.95 X[3] = 173.95 X[4] = 106.15 Y[1] = 38 Y[2] = 38 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 33" NumVerts = 6 X[1] = 173.95 X[2] = 185.8 X[3] = 185.8 X[4] = 207.55 X[5] = 207.55 X[6] = 173.95 Y[1] = 38 Y[2] = 38 Y[3] = 37 Y[4] = 37 Y[5] = 68 Y[6] = 68 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 34" NumVerts = 4 X[1] = 207.55 X[2] = 252.5 X[3] = 252.5 X[4] = 207.55 Y[1] = 37 Y[2] = 37 Y[3] = 68 Y[4] = 68 .. ZnGrpWiz "Lounge" ActAreaPct[1] = 0 ActAreaPct[2] = 0 ActAreaPct[3] = 0 ActAreaPct[4] = 0 ActAreaPct[8] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 1" IsConditioned = 1 .. ZnGrpWiz "Exercise" ActAreaPct[1] = 0 ActAreaPct[2] = 0 ActAreaPct[3] = 0 ActAreaPct[6] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 1" .. ZnGrpWiz "Storage" ActAreaPct[2] = 0 ActAreaPct[5] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 1" .. ZnGrpWiz "Mechanical" ActAreaPct[2] = 0 ActAreaPct[7] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 1" .. ZnGrpWiz "Vestibule" ActAreaPct[2] = 0 ActAreaPct[4] = 100 ShortName = "GndCor" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 1" .. ConsWiz "Construction 1" SurfaceType = "Vertical Underground Wall" MatType[1] = "Library Entry" .. DiagData "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -22 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -104 PolyWndWidth = 333 CADFileComp = "A1-A6 Model 6 Rev 2 - DWG" .. DiagData "EL2 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -22 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -104 PolyWndWidth = 333 CADFileComp = "A1-A6 Model 6 Rev 2 - DWG" .. DiagData "EL3 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -20 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -104 PolyWndWidth = 330.333 CADFileComp = "A1-A6 Model 6 Rev 2 - DWG" .. DiagData "EL4 Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 2 PolyWndLwrLeftX = -20 PolyWndLwrLeftY = -104 PolyWndWidth = 330.333 CADFileComp = "A1-A6 Model 6 Rev 2 - DWG" .. CADFile "A1-A6 Model 6 Rev 2 - DWG" .. HVACWiz "HVAC System 1" ScreenIDArrIdx = 0 ScreenIDArrID = 112 CoolSource[1] = "DX Coils" HeatSource[1] = "DX Coils (Heat Pump)" HVACSysType[1] = "Water-Source Heat Pump (single/multi-zone)" HPSource[1] = "Water Loop" FanFlowSafetyFctr[1] = 1 SFanPower[1] = 0 RFanPresent[1] = 1 RFanPower[1] = 0 DesCoolEff[1] = 15 DesHeatEff[1] = 5.9 AllowCrankcaseHt[1] = 0 CoolUnoccTemp[1] = 80 HeatUnoccTemp[1] = 65 SFanMotorEff[1] = "Premium" RFanMotorEff[1] = "Premium" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Zone" .. DXCWWiz "Water-Cooled DX System" .. WSECWWiz "Wtr-Side Econo System" .. WLHPWiz "WSHP System" ScreenIDArrIdx = 0 SysPumpConfig = "Loop + Boiler + Tower Pumps" SysLoopFlow[1] = "Variable" SysPumpEff = "Premium" WCondFanMotorEff = "Premium" WCondCapControl = "Variable Speed Fan" WCondPumpHead = 42 WCondPumpFlow = 223 WCondPumpCtrl = "VSD" WCondPumpEff = "Premium" WCondLoopTotHead = 31 BoilerType = "Condensing HW Boiler" BoilerCombEff = 94 BoilerPumpHead = 28 BoilerPumpFlow = 39 BoilerPumpCtrl = "VSD" BoilerPumpEff = "Premium" .. GSHPWiz "GSHP System" .. PrimWiz "Primary HVAC Plant" HWScrnIDArrIdx = 1 HWScrnIDArrID = 231 HWSysLoopFlow = "Variable" HWSysPumpEff = "Standard" HWSysControl[1] = "OA Reset" HWSysMinTemp[1] = 150 BoilerType[2] = "- select another -" BoilerCount[1] = 2 BoilerCombEff[1] = 75 .. DHWWiz "DHW Plant 1" ScreenIDArrIdx = 1 ScreenIDArrID = 242 DHWFuel = "Natural Gas" DHWEfficiency = 0.9 ResDHWFuel = "Natural Gas" ResDHWEfficiency = 0.9 .. FacetColor "By Wall Type" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Wall Type" .. FacetColor "By Construction" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Construction" .. FacetColor "Uniform" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "Uniform" .. FacetColor "By Glass Type" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "By Glass Type" .. Light3D "Light3D - Default" Type = "Default" .. Light3D "Light3D - User1" Type = "User Defined 1" .. Light3D "Light3D - User2" Type = "User Defined 2" .. Light3D "Light3D - User3" Type = "User Defined 3" .. Light3D "Light3D - User4" Type = "User Defined 4" .. Light3D "Light3D - User5" Type = "User Defined 5" .. ERateWiz "Custom Elec Rate" Version = 1 UniformChargeKWH[1] = 0.1518 TOUPeriodsChecked = 1 TOUPeriodErrSeas1 = " " TOUPeriodErrS1b = " " .. FRateWiz "Custom Gas Rate" Version = 1 .. END_OF_FILE