.hmmessage P
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The actual system is ground source heat pump with many different-sized units serving different zones. The zoning in my model is in accordance with the functions, e.g. office area, corridor, restroom area, lobby etc. Therefore, one floor has many zones, same in Baseline and Proposed. The area of each zone is around 50-150 m2. In the proposed building, the fresh air on each floor is served by one ventilator (independent with other GSHP-related components). In this case, which way do you think is most approperiate to define the "system per area" in the Baseline (VAV) and Proposed, "system per zone" or "system per floor"? (My model in the Proposed is not questioned by GBCI.)<BR>
Many thanks,<BR>
<BR>> Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 23:54:05 -0700<BR>> From: jra_sac@yahoo.com<BR>> Subject: Re: [Equest-users] System per Area for Packaged VAV with Elec Reheat<BR>> To: equest-users@lists.onebuilding.org; cesseric@hotmail.com<BR>> <BR>> Rick:<BR>> <BR>> Isn't Baseline and Proposed system zoning the same? Whatever the Proposed zoning is, that is also what the Baseline zoning must be.<BR>> <BR>> --- On Wed, 8/5/09, YinRic <cesseric@hotmail.com> wrote:<BR>> <BR>> > From: YinRic <cesseric@hotmail.com><BR>> > Subject: [Equest-users] System per Area for Packaged VAV with Elec Reheat<BR>> > To: "Equest User" <equest-users@lists.onebuilding.org><BR>> > Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 11:31 PM<BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > #yiv536780642 .hmmessage P<BR>> > {<BR>> > margin:0px;padding:0px;}<BR>> > #yiv536780642 {<BR>> > font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}<BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > Hi All,<BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > We have a 4-story office building to be LEED certified.<BR>> > The Baseline system is packaged VAV with elec<BR>> > reheat. After reviewed by GBCI, the comment is:<BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > "The Baseline case fan power<BR>> > does not appear to be modeled in accordance with G3.1.2.9.<BR>> > Please revise the sum of the supply, return, exhaust and<BR>> > relief fans for each HVAC system to be equal to the power<BR>> > calculated in G3.1.2.9."<BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > Now I am ready to revise the model, but I am not sure in<BR>> > the baseline case, whether I must choose "system<BR>> > per shell", "system per floor" or<BR>> > "system per zone". Could anyone advise? Thanks in<BR>> > advance. <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > <BR>> > Rick, PE, LEED AP<BR>> > <BR>> > 聊天+搜索+邮箱<BR>> > 想要轻松出游,手机MSN帮你搞定! 立刻下载! <BR>> > <BR>> > -----Inline Attachment Follows-----<BR>> > <BR>> > _______________________________________________<BR>> > Equest-users mailing list<BR>> > http://lists.onebuilding.org/listinfo.cgi/equest-users-onebuilding.org<BR>> > To unsubscribe from this mailing list send a blank<BR>> > message to EQUEST-USERS-UNSUBSCRIBE@ONEBUILDING.ORG<BR>> > <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR><br /><hr />与任何您希望的人分享您的回忆。 <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/china/windows/windowslive/products/photos-share.aspx?tab=1' target='_new'>任何您希望的人。</a></body>