Hi All,<br><br>I'm modeling a building that uses a single air handler to serve multiple zones. One set of zones ("A zones") require 55F supply air temperature for cooling, the other set of zones ("B zones") require 67F supply air temperature. This can be accomplished either by cooling all the air to 55, then reheating the air sent to "B zones" to 67. The other way to accomplish this is to heat some air to 55, supply 55 to "A zones" and mix some return air with the 55F air to create 67F air for "B zones."<br>
<br>The question is: can eQuest do such a thing? I have loosely approximated the second option by modeling two different air handlers for the "A" and "B" zones, one having a MIN-SUPPLY-T of 55 and the other of 67. Is there a better way to model this?<br>
<br>How can I model the first option? If I use a reheat coil, it only comes on if the spaces need heat, and thus doesn't accurately model the constant reheat required to heat the supply air from 55 to 67.<br><br>Any input/ideas are really appreciated.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>--<br>Karen Walkerman<br>