Hello All,<br><br>I'm working on a file where I'm trying to use thermal storage systems (both hot and cold). I've been seriously struggling with these systems. They seem to work fine when they are used in a loop as a buffer (say a boiler supplies heat to the thermal storage system, and to a loop). But... I'm trying to recover waste heat from a chiller system. If I use any of the thermal storage, it then becomes a load on the system, and demands re-charging from the boiler. I actually see an increase in energy use with a thermal storage tank, in some cases. Also, when I try to use an equipment control sequence to turn off a boiler, things get very strange, like thermal storage tank temperatures going below 0 F, when they should be set to 105, and charging rates of 1.0 x 10 -6, when the capacity should be 1 MBTU.<br>
<br>Similarly, I'm having trouble with cold storage. I've seen some posts here about ice storage systems, so I assume some of you have figured it out. For the cold storage system, I'm looking to store cold energy at night with a chiller, and then use it to offset my needs during the day. However, once the thermal storage thank is charged, it rarely empties. Again, when I implement any sort of equipment controls strategy, I get very strange results.<br>
<br>I'm attaching a file that i hope is simple enough for you to look at, any advice is greatly appreciated.<br><br>--<br>Karen<br><br><br>