[Equest-users] DOE2.3 Water Loop HP

Riley, Evan P Evan.Riley at MasonandHanger.com
Tue Sep 3 04:35:26 PDT 2024

I have run into this problem as well. In no case was I able to control multiple boilers on a water loop serving heat pumps. Similar error as you are reporting. Tested the multi-boiler setup (with equipment controls and load management) on a hot water loop serving heating coils and it worked fine. My workaround ended up being a spreadsheet calculation to determine the composite efficiency of the multiple boilers, based on running them on a hot water loop in a different model, and applying that to the single water-loop boiler. Not very satisfying but I had to move on.

Sr. Energy Engineer, Building Sciences Studio | Mason & Hanger
O 804.822.3008

From: David S Eldridge <deldridge at grummanbutkus.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 10:32 PM
To: Tai Lieu <tailieu at gmail.com>; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] DOE2.3 Water Loop HP

Is there a set of conditions where the staging ends up with a blank and no equipment is enabled? What’s the temperature profile on that day compared to the rest of the year for your weather file – maybe there is temperature that exceeds your staging commands.

How many different boilers and boiler efficiency combinations are there? I’d also consider running with a simplified boiler setup without the load management until the rest of the model is complete and calibrated and then layer in the extra boilers and their staging.


David S. Eldridge, Jr., P.E., BEMP, BEAP, HBDP, GGF/GGA

Direct: (847) 316-9224 | Mobile: (773) 490-5038

Grumman|Butkus Associates | 820 Davis Street, Suite 300 | Evanston, IL 60201
Energy Efficiency Consultants and Sustainable Design Engineers

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From: Equest-users <equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org>> On Behalf Of Tai Lieu via Equest-users
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 8:00 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] DOE2.3 Water Loop HP

Hi All,

Long time subscriber appreciate all the responses.
I'm working on a residential distributed heat pump building.  I'm using the WLHP keyword for the loop.  There are boilers with different efficiencies, that i have staged on and off based on capacity and outside air temperature, using the load management and Equipment control tools for the heating on the WLHP.  However I keep running into issues in June 16.  I'm having a hard time debugging the problem since the program stops on the certain date.  The error code is below.

I don't think its a heating boiler issues.  I'm unsure if i'm missing any keywords for the WLHP, I typically work in Doe2.2.  i've specified cooling equipment control for the cooling towers.  Let me know if I need to share the .inp.

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