[Equest-users] Performance Curves - independent variable boundaries
Bishop, Bill
bbishop at pathfinder-ea.com
Fri May 17 08:32:57 PDT 2019
Hi Phil,
Good question! When a performance curve uses Raw Data Points (INPUT-TYPE = DATA), the coefficients for the curve are generated based on the data points and can be seen in the eQUEST Basic Specifications tab for the Performance Curve Properties. (You can generate the coefficients yourself mathematically, by using the LINEST Excel function for example.) Outputs for the curve will be determined even if the inputs (independent variable values) are outside the range of the raw data points. For example, a PLR of 0.2 and dT of 25F gives an EIR multiplier of 0.14 in the example curve below. The outputs could even be nonsensical if the simulation used garbage inputs. (An output of -0.2 using inputs of -1,-1.) I don't think there is a keyword that restricts the input variable values, but the OUTPUT-MIN and OUTPUT-MAX fix the output at those values rather than letting it go outside of those boundaries. Additionally, chillers have the MIN-RATIO keyword which defines the load for which the chiller will cycle on and off.
William Bishop, PE, BEMP, BEAP, CEM, LEED AP
Senior Energy Engineer
[Pathfinder-EA-logo-2]T: (585) 698-1956 F: (585) 325-6005
bbishop at pathfinder-ea.com<mailto:wbishop at pathfinder-ea.com> www.pathfinder-ea.com<http://www.pathfinder-ea.com/>
134 South Fitzhugh Street
Rochester, NY 14608 [cid:image004.png at 01D50CA4.977450D0] Act on the climate crisis - the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
From: Equest-users <equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org>> On Behalf Of Phil Jordan via Equest-users
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 7:54 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
Subject: [Equest-users] Performance Curves - independent variable boundaries
When a curve output exceeds the limits (min/max output, OUTPUT-MIN and OUTPUT-MAX keywords), eQUEST throws a CAUTION message in the SIM file, something like this:
In curve: Variable Speed Drive FPLR the dependent value
is exceeding the limits.
Value/Min/Max/First time: 1.004 0.100 1.000 7/21/ 8
I'm curious, what happens when the input type for a performance curve is "Raw Data Points" and during the course of the simulation one of the independent variables is outside the range of the raw data points? For example, here's a curve from the library (BDLLIB.DAT) that's defined via data points:
$LIBRARY-ENTRY SmFricW3VSD-EIR-fPLR&dT CURVE-FIT Sml Fric 3App -044d2 35
$ 70/140 ton, 3F approach evap & cond; R134a extended 460V 10F superheat -044d2 36
$ EIR = 0.182, 0.64 kW/ton, COP 5.5 -044d2 37
IN-RATIO = ( 1.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, $ PLR -044d2 39
1.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, -044d2 40
1.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, -044d2 41
1.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.28 ) -044d2 42
IN-DT = ( 41.0, 41.0, 41.0, 41.0, $ ECT-CHW DT -044d2 43
31.0, 31.0, 31.0, 31.0, -044d2 44
26.0, 26.0, 26.0, 26.0, -044d2 45
46.0, 46.0, 46.0, 46.0 ) -044d2 46
OUTPUT = ( 1.00, 0.70, 0.46, 0.27, $ EIR ratio -044d2 47
1.00, 0.66, 0.39, 0.22, -044d2 48
1.00, 0.65, 0.38, 0.19, -044d2 49
1.00, 0.72, 0.50, 0.32 ) .. -044d2 50
In the data points, the minimum PLR boundary for the curve is 0.25 - what happens if during the simulation the PLR is 0.20? Does eQUEST use the curve output regardless (and is a CAUTION generated), or is the output at the minimum independent variable used?
Phil Jordan
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