[Equest-users] Modeling ISMRE

Lee Shaver lshaver at slipstreaminc.org
Fri Apr 5 07:08:07 PDT 2019

Hi all,

ASHRAE 90.1-2013 addendum cd adds tables 6.8.1-14 and -15 which include an ISMRE requirement for "electrically operated DX-DOAS units, single package and remote condenser."

ISMRE stands for "Integrated Seasonal Moisture Removal Efficiency" and is measured in pounds of water removed per kWh of electrical energy consumed (lb/kWh).

TRANE has a great article<https://www.trane.com/content/dam/Trane/Commercial/global/products-systems/education-training/engineers-newsletters/standards-codes/ADM-APN060-EN_110116.pdf> on ISMRE and why it's now included in ASHRAE 90.1.

Currently, I'm working on a model with a parametric run for a DOAS unit with an ISMRE that is better than baseline, and an EER that is worse than the baseline.

How can I accurately model this improvement in ISMRE, and the resulting reduction in energy usage for the DOAS units?

Googling "eQuest ISMRE" returns only four hits<https://www.google.com/search?q=%22eQuest%22+%22ISMRE%22>, none of which are relevant.

Lee Shaver, Project Manager
608.210.7145 slipstreaminc.org<http://slipstreaminc.org/>

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