[Equest-users] New CWEC files and snow/rain flags - update

Joe Huang yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
Fri Jan 12 17:43:19 PST 2018


I hope you're aware that the wind direction in the DOE-2 files are from 0 to 16, while 
those in the standard weather reports and *.wy3 and *.epw formats are in degrees 0-360.


Joe Huang
White Box Technologies, Inc.
346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
Moraga CA 94556
yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com for simulation-ready weather data
(o) (925)388-0265
(c) (510)928-2683
"building energy simulations at your fingertips"

On 1/12/2018 7:06 AM, Jones, Christopher wrote:
> Joe,
> Your question is valid. When I look at the .wy3 file, there are a number of rain and 
> snow entries. I am not sure how the DOE2 weather processor sorts these out to arrive at 
> one rain flag and one snow flag.
> Note, I had to rearrange the .wy3 file to align the columns so the DOE2 weather 
> processor recognized the fields. I was successful for all fields except the wind 
> direction. I am not sure where I am going wrong but I can see the wind direction in the 
> .wy3 file and it matches the .epw file values.
> **
> *Christopher R. Jones*, P.Eng.
> Technical Specialist
> Sustainability & Energy
> T +1 416-644-0252
> 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 2300
> Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Canada
> wsp.com
> __
> **
> /Please consider the environment before printing.../
> *From:*Joe Huang [mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 11, 2018 9:51 PM
> *To:* Jones, Christopher <Christopher.r.Jones at wsp.com>; Brian Fountain 
> <bfountain at greensim.com>
> *Cc:* equest-users at onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] New CWEC files and snow/rain flags - update
> Christopher,
> This is very interesting information for several reasons:
> (1) the snow and rain flags are not part of the raw data stream from the weather 
> stations, so I've assumed they have to be extracted from the Present Weather reports,
> (2) the wy3 is a derived weather file format developed for ASHRAE back in the late 1990s 
> so old that Env Canada might be the only place still using it; I'm not aware that the 
> wy3 contains the snow/rain flags but they must have been put there by Env. Canada, and I 
> would be very interested to see how these flags correlate to what I can get from the 
> Present Weather data in the raw weather files.
> In the little bit of time I've spent looking into this issue over the past week, I was 
> unsure which of the PW codes should be used for the Snow/Rain flags.  Take a look at the 
> attached table of Present Weather Observation Codes currently used in weather station 
> reports, i.e., METAR.  Should we use all the 7's as ISNOW, although 74 - 76 refers to 
> "Ice Pellets", and what about 85 - 87 referring to "Snow showers or intermittent rain"?  
> Similarly, we can use all the 6's as IRAIN, but what about  24 (Rain), 25 (Freezing 
> Drizzle), etc.?   That's why I'm very interested to see what Env. Canada did.
> (I'm also adding BLDG-SIM back to this post because the same issue has been in 
> discussions there, too.
> Joe
> Joe Huang
> White Box Technologies, Inc.
> 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
> Moraga CA 94556
> yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com <mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com>
> http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com  for simulation-ready weather data
> (o) (925)388-0265
> (c) (510)928-2683
> "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
> On 1/11/2018 10:57 AM, Jones, Christopher wrote:
>     The Environment Canada website has the latest version of the CWEC files - .epw and
>     raw, .wy3 format. The .epw file does not include the snow rain flags but the raw
>     data .wy3 file does. I converted the .wy3 file to .bin using the DOE2 weather
>     processor and voila, the snow and rain flags are included in the .bin file. Now, I
>     only converted 1 file as a test but it is encouraging.
>     **
>     *Christopher R. Jones*, P.Eng.
>     Technical Specialist
>     Sustainability & Energy
>     T +1 416-644-0252
>     2300 Yonge Street, Suite 2300
>     Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Canada
>     wsp.com
>     __
>     **
>     /Please consider the environment before printing.../
>     *From:* Joe Huang [mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com]
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, January 09, 2018 4:50 PM
>     *To:* Brian Fountain <bfountain at greensim.com> <mailto:bfountain at greensim.com>;
>     Jones, Christopher <Christopher.r.Jones at wsp.com> <mailto:Christopher.r.Jones at wsp.com>
>     *Subject:* Re: [Bldg-sim] [EnergyPlus_Support] RE: [Equest-users] White Box
>     Technologies brings simulation weather data to the satellite age
>     Hmm, the Canadian contingent on the bulletin boards are voicing their needs in
>     weather data :-)    This reminds me of the one trip I took to Calgary in December
>     20+ years ago and seeing the parking lots had electrical outlets at each spot so
>     that car engines would not freeze up.  I was duly impressed.
>     Back to the snow flag on weather files, isn't the condition of most relevance
>     whether there's snow cover, rather than whether it's snowing?  Unfortunately, the
>     weather station raw data do not report this, which could vary quite a bit depending
>     on the ground surface anyway. There ARE fields for solid precipitation similar to
>     those for liquid precipitation.  I've never looked carefully at these, but they
>     might give the amount of snow fall over the past so many hours, which would  be an
>     improvement over the Present Weather that just tells whether or not there is
>     snowfall that hour.  One might be able to calculate snow cover based on the amount
>     of snow fall, solar radiation, and temperature.  It's quite likely that some
>     meteorologist or physicist with time on his/her hands might  have already done that
>     in Canada.  If you know of any such work, let me know.
>     Just based on what I've read so far, I'm going to start putting in the IRAIN and
>     ISNOW flags into the DOE-2 *.binm files.
>     Joe
>     Joe Huang
>     White Box Technologies, Inc.
>     346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
>     Moraga CA 94556
>     yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com <mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com>
>     http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com  for simulation-ready weather data
>     (o) (925)388-0265
>     (c) (510)928-2683
>     "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
>     On 1/8/2018 4:35 PM, Brian Fountain wrote:
>         As Chris suggested, they aren't used directly in the sim ... but we use them to
>         create custom schedules for snow melting loads.
>         On 08/01/2018 6:44 PM, Joe Huang via Bldg-sim wrote:
>             The rain and snow flags are still available in the raw weather station data,
>             but haven't been included in the processed weather files since the 1990's
>             because everyone in this hemisphere at least have adopted the TMY2/TMY3
>             formats, in content  if not the literal file format, developed by NREL,
>             which does not include these two flags. I was also under the impression that
>             none of the simulation programs, such as DOE-2, do not use these two flags
>             anyway.   If these flags are of use, it would make sense to include them,
>             which would not require a change in the DOE-2 *.BINM format, but would
>             require a change to the EnergyPlus *.epw format.
>             Joe
>             Joe Huang
>             White Box Technologies, Inc.
>             346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
>             Moraga CA 94556
>             yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com <mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com>
>             http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com  for simulation-ready weather data
>             (o) (925)388-0265
>             (c) (510)928-2683
>             "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
>             On 1/8/2018 12:15 PM, 'Jones, Christopher' christopher.r.jones at wsp.com
>             <mailto:christopher.r.jones at wsp.com> [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:
>                 I have a question – what happened to the rain and snow flags that were
>                 in the old CWEC file but are missing in the latest versions. Many snow
>                 melting systems have a snow/rain sensor in the slab used to trigger the
>                 system on.
>                 **
>                 *Christopher R. Jones*, P.Eng.
>                 Technical Specialist
>                 Sustainability & Energy
>                 T +1 416-644-0252
>                 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 2300
>                 Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Canada
>                 wsp.com
>                 **
>                 /Please consider the environment before printing.../
>                 *From:* Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org]
>                 *On Behalf Of *Joe Huang via Equest-users
>                 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 02, 2018 10:15 PM
>                 *To:* Nicholas Caton <Nicholas.Caton at schneider-electric.com>
>                 <mailto:Nicholas.Caton at schneider-electric.com>; BLDG-SIM
>                 <bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>
>                 <mailto:bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>; EnergyPlus_Support
>                 <EnergyPlus_Support at yahoogroups.com>
>                 <mailto:EnergyPlus_Support at yahoogroups.com>;
>                 equest-users at onebuilding.org <mailto:equest-users at onebuilding.org>
>                 *Cc:* Jim Dirkes <jim at buildingperformanceteam.com>
>                 <mailto:jim at buildingperformanceteam.com>
>                 *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] White Box Technologies brings simulation
>                 weather data to the satellite age
>                 Nick,
>                 This is an interesting topic that has evolved in an unexpected way.  Now
>                 that NREL has mastered the technology of satellite-derived solar
>                 radiation, they have regarded weather station data as an impediment,
>                 since there's no way to get such measured data to match the 5-kilometer
>                 grid of the satellite-derived solar.  Therefore, they have abandoned the
>                 weather station data (which was was used in all the TMYs to date) and
>                 gone instead to Reanalysis Data from NOAA's MERRA, which is running a
>                 climate forecasting model in retrospective mode. I don't have time now
>                 to discuss reanalysis, except to say that from what I've seen the
>                 results are decidedly "iffy".  Almost two years ago, I managed to get a
>                 Work Statement through ASHRAE  for someone to take a good look at
>                 reanalysis data.
>                 So, what does this mean for your question?   NREL's National Solar
>                 Radiation Data Base (NSRDB) can now get you the hourly time series or a
>                 TMY for more than a million grid points over the US, all with
>                 satellite-derived solar radiation but  MERRA results for the other
>                 climate parameters. I've told NREL several years ago that for the
>                 building simulation industry it would be much better to merge the 
>                 satellite-derived solar with actual station data that give good accurate
>                 coverage of urban areas where buildings are located. NREL's response was
>                 that they'd be happy to do this, but someone has to pay them for the work.
>                 In response to your hypothesis below, I think you're being too
>                 disparaging of the previous modeling efforts while raising too high your
>                 expectations of satellite solar. It's not that the previous models
>                 failed to account for local climate conditions, but that they lacked
>                 good data to drive them. For example, all models included terms for
>                 cloud cover and clearness, or for the more detailed physical models
>                 arcane parameters like aerosol optical depth, preciptable moisture,
>                 etc.,  but how available are the input data and how reliable are they? 
>                 The advantages of satellite-derived solar are that they provide a
>                 comprehensive and objective view of the cloud conditions, which combined
>                 with satellite measurements of the atmospheric conditions and  improved
>                 modeling, results in  accuracies that previous modeling efforts can not
>                 attain. As far as discerning localized effects of smog and dust in urban
>                 areas, that would still depend on whether there's sufficient monitoring
>                 at that spatial and time scale to detect the differences.   What I mean
>                 is that it's one thing to observe that in general urban locations have
>                 more smog and particulates than rural locations, but it's something else
>                 to quantify the resultant differences in solar radiation over time and
>                 distance.
>                 I'd like to take the opportunity here to step back and comment on the
>                 status of weather data for the building energy community, My
>                 interactions with NREL has brought the realization that we have been
>                 piggy-backing on the efforts of others outside our community for our
>                 weather data. I don't intend to pick on the NREL Solar Program, several
>                 of whom I consider friends and colleagues, but their target client is
>                 the solar power industry.  Since solar power arrays can be installed
>                 anywhere, preferably in rural uninhabited locations, it makes sense to
>                 go to satellite-derived solar. It's also clear that to serve that
>                 industry, NREL would focus its efforts on getting the best solar values,
>                 while all the other climatic parameters, like temperature, humidity,
>                 wind speed, etc., are secondary, which may be why getting them from
>                 MERRA is a satisfactory choice.  The focus on solar is also evident in
>                 the weighting used by NREL to develop the TMYs, with 50% weight placed
>                 on the 2 solar and 50% on the remaining 8 non-solar parameters.
>                 For the building energy community, or priorities are somewhat different.
>                 Since 99% of buildings are located in urban locations, we should focus
>                 much more on climate in urban areas.  Luckily, that's also where the
>                 great majority of existing weather are located, which is why I'm
>                 resistant to throwing out measured weather data and replacing them with
>                 synthetic data, no matter how much they've been "seeded" with real data.
>                 As for the weighting of climate parameters in selecting the typical
>                 months, why not use building energy simulations and weight them by the
>                 distribution of heating and cooling loads?
>                 Joe
>                 Joe Huang
>                 White Box Technologies, Inc.
>                 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
>                 Moraga CA 94556
>                 yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com <mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com>
>                 http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com  for simulation-ready weather data
>                 (o) (925)388-0265
>                 (c) (510)928-2683
>                 "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
>                 On 1/2/2018 9:30 AM, Nicholas Caton wrote:
>                     Hi Joe,
>                     From your perspective, are NREL or any other government/professional
>                     bodies making moves/indications to update/refresh the current TMY3
>                     sets to utilize satellite-derived solar radiation?  Seems like a
>                     no-brainer for our industry, but is there a counter-argument?  It
>                     seems likely, but has there been rigorous comparisons of
>                     satellite-derived solar radiation against measured values and/or our
>                     “present-day” solar models used to derive solar radiation
>                     information for building energy simulation?
>                     Also, I’m trying to understand and correctly characterize the impact
>                     of this development in simple terms my brain can follow.  Is it fair
>                     to say:
>                     The solar models used in developing weather files for building
>                     energy simulations to-date in our industry (including all/most
>                     industry-standard TMY weather sets), because they have been using
>                     solar radiation derived from (evolving) solar models, have _not_
>                     accounted for the likes of local climate cloud cover / smog / dust? 
>                     Seattle (~47°N) has perhaps been seeing as much sunlight through the
>                     winter as Paris (~48°N)?
>                     Does satellite-derived solar radiation address some or all of these
>                     local climate issues (cloud cover, smog, dust) affecting
>                     direct/indirect solar radiation?
>                     Thanks sincerely for all your teaching Joe,
>                     ~Nick
>                     *Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP*
>                       Senior Energy Engineer
>                       Regional Energy Engineering Manager
>                       Energy and Sustainability Services
>                       Schneider Electric
>                     D  913.564.6361
>                     M  785.410.3317
>                     F  913.564.6380
>                     E nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
>                     <mailto:nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com>
>                     15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
>                     Suite 204
>                     Lenexa, KS 66219
>                     United States
>                     *From:* Equest-users
>                     [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of
>                     *Joe Huang via Equest-users
>                     *Sent:* Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:13 PM
>                     *To:* BLDG-SIM <bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>
>                     <mailto:bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>; EnergyPlus_Support
>                     <EnergyPlus_Support at yahoogroups.com>
>                     <mailto:EnergyPlus_Support at yahoogroups.com>;
>                     equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
>                     <mailto:equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
>                     *Subject:* [Equest-users] White Box Technologies brings simulation
>                     weather data to the satellite age
>                     It is with joy and some trepidation to report that White Box
>                     Technologies (WBT) is updating all its historical weather files with
>                     satellite-derived solar radiation. Joy because this overcomes what
>                     has been the most significant question mark with weather files;
>                     trepidation because of the amount of work needed to carry out and
>                     maintain this effort. To show that this is more than marketing hype,
>                     I need to give a rather long explanation about this development.
>                     The bane of weather data over the past three decades has been the
>                     solar radiation (global horizontal and direct normal) which are not
>                     measured parameters, but derived using various solar and sky models.
>                     All the familiar "typical year" sets, i.e., TMY, WYEC, IWEC, etc.,
>                     let alone the historical weather files, have modeled solar
>                     radiation. Although a lot of
>                     work has gone into such models (see M. Iqbal,"An Introduction to
>                     Solar Radiation", Academic Press, 1983), there remain an almost
>                     intractible problem of the lack of good measured solar to tune any
>                     of these models. For example, in the ASHRAE IWEC2 weather files, my
>                     team was able to find one or two years' measured data for less than
>                     50 locations,
>                     from which were derived 28 sets of regression coefficients then used
>                     for all 3,012 IWEC2 locations.
>                     For the past decade and a half, researchers around the world have
>                     been working to derive solar radiation from weather satellite
>                     imagery, driven largely by the needs of the solar power industry for
>                     the siting of solar power plants and getting "bankable" solar
>                     estimates for their arrays. Our little building energy simulation
>                     sector can of course benefit by hanging on the coattails of the
>                     solar power industry, but the downside has been to be totally priced
>                     out, since the commercial cost for one year's solar data for one
>                     location (grid cell) typically runs around $1,000.
>                     A welcome development over the last five years is that various
>                     government offices or affiliated consortia are now beginning to also
>                     providing access to satellite-derived solar radiation at minimal or
>                     more acceptable costs under various conditions. Over the past three
>                     years, WBT has obtained access to such data and permission for its
>                     use in WBT weather files.
>                     WBT is now either replacing the solar radiation on its historical
>                     weather files, or using satellite-derived radiation to develop
>                     custom solar coefficients for each location to extend the
>                     satellite-derived solar to time periods outside the available time
>                     window. With the exception of polar locations above or below 60/66
>                     degrees, island nations in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, and a few
>                     unfortunate "blind spots", the entire land mass is being covered
>                     with at least 10 years up to 18 years of hourly solar records.
>                     Starting in 2018, WBT historical weather files in the following
>                     areas will all have satellite-derived solar radiation for the
>                     following time periods: Europe, Africa, South America east of 66
>                     West, i.e., Brazil and Uruguay (2004 to date), Australia (1999 to
>                     date), and East Asia (2007 to date, access pending). WBT historical
>                     weather files in the following areas will have satellite-derived
>                     solar radiation for the indicated time periods - North America and
>                     Central/South American down to 20 South (1998-2015), South Asia
>                     (2000-2014), with modeled solar radiation from 2016 on that has been
>                     individually tuned to the past satellite-derived solar.
>                     Another benefit to the satellite-derived solar is to increases the
>                     number of available weather stations, which in many places has been
>                     limited by the lack of cloud cover data needed to model the solar
>                     radiation.  For reasons that are not immediately identifiable,
>                     several English-speaking Commonwealth countries has seen a marked
>                     drop in the number of available stations due to the decreases in the
>                     reporting of cloud cover (see plot, ZAF = South Africa). For
>                     example, the number of stations in the UK has dropped by almost 2/3s
>                     between 2001 and 2017 (174 to 64), but with satellite-derived solar,
>                     it will go back up to over 180, while in Australia and South Africa
>                     the comparable numbers are from 175 to well over 500, and from 37 to
>                     over 100, respectively.
>                     If interested, customers who have purchased a historical weather
>                     files from WBT over the past five years can get an updated weather
>                     file at no cost. Lastly, although it will take at least a month to
>                     update all 10,000 2017 files, it's very quick to do for any specific
>                     location or even 50 or so locations. Therefore, if you have an
>                     urgent request please e-mail me and I will put that at the beginning
>                     of the queue for that day.
>                     -- 
>                     Joe Huang
>                     White Box Technologies, Inc.
>                     346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
>                     Moraga CA 94556
>                     yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
>                     <mailto:yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com>
>                     http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com  for simulation-ready weather data
>                     (o) (925)388-0265
>                     (c) (510)928-2683
>                     "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
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>                 __._,_.___
>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Posted by: "Jones, Christopher" <Christopher.r.Jones at wsp.com>
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>                 _Have you tried the highest rated email app?_
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>                 With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email
>                 app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your
>                 inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an
>                 email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.
>                 <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/EnergyPlus_Support/photos/photomatic/788930472;_ylc=X3oDMTE4M3R1OW82BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGNmOQNQSE9UT01BVElDBHNlYwNtZWdhcGhvbmU->
>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>                 EnergyPlus support is found at:
>                 _http://energyplus.helpserve.com_ or send a message to
>                 _energyplus-support at gard.com_
>                 The EnergyPlus web site is found at:
>                 _http://www.energyplus.net/_
>                 The group web site is:
>                 _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/_
>                 Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a
>                 high speed connection.  Limit attachments to small files.
>                 EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the
>                 Documentation link and press the "search" button.
>                 <https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/EnergyPlus_Support/photos/photomatic/788930472;_ylc=X3oDMTE4M3R1OW82BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGNmOQNQSE9UT01BVElDBHNlYwNtZWdhcGhvbmU->
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