[Equest-users] Issue with floors being offset in Wizard?

Michael Campbell via Equest-users equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Mon Sep 18 12:35:25 PDT 2017


Thank you for this detailed response.
This is incredibly helpful and I really appreciate you taking the time to
help me address this issue.


On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Nicholas Caton <
Nicholas.Caton at schneider-electric.com> wrote:

> This could serve as a helpful guide/reading for others, so I’ve
> re-attached the files for illustration (without edits).
> This is a pretty complex project and I don’t have your familiarity Mike
> with what exactly it’s supposed to look like, so I’m going to make a few
> assumptions to illustrate the approach.
> Assuming your CAD efforts were in tip-top shape prior to importing, I’m
> expect the cause has something to do with a combination of non-uniform
> origin points during the dwg import dialog  (I can’t review/edit these
> without the files)… or perhaps accidental CAD panning during
> footprint/zoning vertex definitions.  Regardless, I’m moving away from the
> cause in order to highlight a solution.
> I’m going to assume for this demo that the 4th shell, which seems in
> “in-alignment” with others, is correct and we just want to shift the two
> shells below it so they perfectly overlay/underlay.  I’ve indicated in
> green an axis to which I will demonstrate shifting the 3rd and 2nd shell
> onto:
> Note this procedure to determine the necessary shell position input
> corrections can be done at any time during or after wizard stage
> development, but the actual edits are “detailed” level so will need to be
> applied post-wizards:
> First I’ll navigate to wizards open up the *3rd shell (“1st Floor”)*
> custom footprint screen.  We want this to shift a moderate amount to align
> with the *4th shell (“2nd Floor”)*.  Draw attentions to the drop down
> dialog for background overlays:
>                 (quick aside: If you don’t fill in a shell’s footprint
> with zones, you’ll find the wizards generate adiabatic walls in lieu of
> exterior surfaces for the “exposed” interior zones.  If that isn’t
> intentional, you can adjust the shell’s footprint vertices to align with
> your zone’s perimeters to avoid that issue.  This might be deliberate for
> this project, but seems worth pointing out for everyone’s general
> edification.)
> If I select the “2nd Floor” shell in this dialog, I can observe 2
> vertices I’d like to align.  Note the “correct” 2nd floor is illustrated
> with blue lines and has vertices you can snap to, but aren’t selectable for
> editing:
> Note the active (Cyan-colored) vertex.
> From this view, with polygon snapping turned on, you can create a new
> vertex from the highlighted point, and drag it to where you want that point
> to be on the overlaid shell footprint.  The information in the bottom of
> the Custom Building Footprint window will tell you exactly what that
> vertex’s shift is in X/Y dimensions:
> Jot this information down in your physical/electronic notepad for
> reference.*  E3 Shift: dX = 2.1 , dY = -5.7*
> Rinse and repeat with the *2nd Shell (“Basement”)*, again overlaying the
> “correct” *4th shell (“2nd Floor”)*:
> This case is a little more extreme. *E2 Shift: dX = 23.5 and dY = 1.8*
> Armed with this info, we can confidently finish our efforts in the wizards
> and enter the detailed mode.  From here, you can edit the FLOOR inputs for
> X and Y by the noted deltas:
> *E2 Shift: dX = 23.5 and dY = 1.8*
> *E3 Shift: dX = 2.1 , dY = -5.7*
> Example:
> Entering these edits as expressions as illustrated allows you to retain
> what the wizards generated and document / avoid human-error with your
> algebra if that’s of interest, but it isn’t necessary.
> Finally, check your work in 3D view – looks pretty okay!
> Hope this helps!
> ~Nick
> *Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP*
>   Senior Energy Engineer
>   Regional Energy Engineering Manager
>   Energy and Sustainability Services
>   Schneider Electric
> D  913.564.6361 <(913)%20564-6361>
> M  785.410.3317 <(785)%20410-3317>
> F  913.564.6380 <(913)%20564-6380>
> E  nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
> 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=15200+Santa+Fe+Trail+Drive+%0D+Suite+204+%0D+Lenexa,+KS+66219+%0D+United+States&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Suite 204
> Lenexa, KS 66219
> United States
> *From:* Michael Campbell [mailto:mcamp1206 at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, September 18, 2017 10:05 AM
> *To:* Nicholas Caton <Nicholas.Caton at schneider-electric.com>
> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Issue with floors being offset in Wizard?
> Thanks for the response, Nick.
> Unfortunately I still seem to be having some issues.
> I've done many models in the past and have never had this issue, so I'm
> really having a hard time figuring out what is going on.
> Would someone be able to take a look at the attached files and see if you
> can provide any insight on how to get these floors to properly align?
> I've been trying to move each shell based on aligning common points
> between shells, but that isn't working the way I would hope.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thank you,
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Nicholas Caton <Nicholas.Caton at schneider-
> electric.com> wrote:
> I’m sure there are multiple good approaches, but the one that works for me
> when I have fairly complex shell layouts is to do the following:
>    1. Before starting geometries in the wizards, make sure all your CAD
>    references for multi-level buildings are origin-aligned.  If you were to
>    copy one onto another using the origin as a reference point, the plans
>    should should properly align.
>    2. After the first shell, be sure to specify the following in the
>    first screen for every subsequent shell:
>    1. Position this shell:  via Coordinates
>       2. Tick the box for Exact Site Coordinates
>       3. Leave X and Y at 0.0 (matching the first shell’s default)
>       4. Provide a Z value as needed to ensure the shell is the right
>       height from the ground.  Note that below grade floors for a given shell’s
>       Z-coordinate will extend downward from that elevation.
>    1. It’s never a bad idea to finish the wizards just to check your work
>    in the 3D view - you can always hop back in to make corrections!
> For reference, in the event you’re ever well into detailed edits, and wish
> you made a different decision, these inputs are basically replicated as
> FLOOR geometries.  You can adjust/tweak them here and observe the results
> in the 3D view dynamically:
> I suspect that because you have an “alignment” step within the wizards,
> you might not have your CAD files pre-aligned as I’m recommending above.
> If you already have a bunch of zones traced out I’d recommend just tweaking
> the floor’s X/Y coordinates post-wizards until it looks about right.  You
> could overlay your CAD files outside of eQuest to inform exactly how much
> of a shift is needed.
> Hope that’s a bit helpful!
> ~Nick
> *Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP*
>   Senior Energy Engineer
>   Regional Energy Engineering Manager
>   Energy and Sustainability Services
>   Schneider Electric
> D  913.564.6361 <(913)%20564-6361>
> M  785.410.3317 <(785)%20410-3317>
> F  913.564.6380 <(913)%20564-6380>
> E  nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
> 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=15200+Santa+Fe+Trail+Drive+%0D+Suite+204+%0D+Lenexa,+KS+66219+%0D+United+States&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Suite 204
> Lenexa, KS 66219
> United States
> *From:* Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Michael Campbell via Equest-users
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 14, 2017 10:17 AM
> *To:* equest-users <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Issue with floors being offset in Wizard?
> Hello eQUEST Users,
> I'm having an issue right now when drawing in the Wizard.
> I am working on a multi-story building and I am trying to line each floor
> up correctly when drawing the shells.
> I have selected to draw the floor directly above, and I align the CAD file
> with the background as it should be.
> However, when moving on to the Detailed Mode, the floors are offset and I
> cannot get them back to the way they were.
> Has anyone had this issue or know of a potential solution?
> Thank you,
> Mike Campbell
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