[Equest-users] Funny Formatting in SIM reports

PKConsulting via Equest-users equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Fri May 5 13:34:48 PDT 2017

Thank you my friends for your feedback.  I will work on things this weekend and report back with updates on my (hopeful) successes.

Ph: 308-763-1593

> On May 4, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Nicholas Caton <Nicholas.Caton at schneider-electric.com> wrote:
> First:  to clarify I made a typo below… my advice to Pasha and anyone else with SIM output weirdness is to first try opening the SIM file with a text editor.  There was a time in the 3.63 / 3.64 days of my career when this was a common fix because the d2simviewer.exe program itself can get tripped up trying to open your output SIM at times.  If you try to open any eQUEST/weather file ending with BIN in a text editor you’ll likely just get the equivalent of your computer cursing at your human brain in a language you can’t understand.
> Second:  Bill’s advice is spot on.  I always check the eQUEST version/build pd2 before trying to open / review something from another’s desk (or if I developed it too long ago to remember myself). 
> For my part, I’m most comfortable right now starting projects with a deadline using eQUEST version 3.65 build 7163, but I dabble with the latest build (v7173) on occasion to explore its new features/documentation.  I’m the sort of guy that clung onto Windows XP for probably too long however… so that might be a personality flaw in part.  My main justification for using that build is the latest & greatest has nifty new features/capabilities but at the cost of new bugs that I haven’t grown familiar with troubleshooting yet (this SIM output issue seems to be a relatively common example).  I also keep older versions of eQUEST (3.63, 3.64) handy/concurrently installed for accessing and reviewing models developed in earlier builds/versions.
> ~Nick
> <image001.png>
> Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP
>   Senior Energy Engineer
>   Regional Energy Engineering Manager
>   Energy and Sustainability Services
>   Schneider Electric
> D  913.564.6361 
> M  785.410.3317 
> F  913.564.6380
> E  nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
> 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
> Suite 204
> Lenexa, KS 66219
> United States
> <image002.png>
> From: Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of John Aulbach via Equest-users
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 11:08 AM
> To: bbishop at pathfinder-ea.com; Pasha Korber-Gonzalez <pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com>
> Cc: Daric Adair <Daric.Adair at hei-eng.com>; equest-users at onebuilding.org
> Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Funny Formatting in SIM reports
> Hi Bill
> Yes, I learned to be observant the hard way. It was the 3.65 version I had not caught the  first time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice. ..
> Still waiting for the magic VRF addition to the program. Will probably demise before that happens.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Bishop, Bill
> <bbishop at pathfinder-ea.com> wrote:
> John,
> If you open the .pd2 file with a text editor, the program version is shown on the 2nd line. It’s a good habit to check this when you are unsure of the version used to create/edit the model.
> ~Bill
> From: Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of John Aulbach via Equest-users
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 11:45 AM
> To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org; Pasha Korber-Gonzalez <pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com>
> Cc: Daric Adair <Daric.Adair at hei-eng.com>; equest-users at onebuilding.org
> Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Funny Formatting in SIM reports
> Do you guys ever get an eQuest run you ran in 3.64, someone else meddles with it, and you get it back in 3.65 format? Or you get a different Build for 3.65, screwing up your life? 
> This program STILL has a "cloaking device" over some parts (except for Chief Engineering officer Nicholas Caton) !! Scotty, beam me up !!
> On Thursday, May 4, 2017, 8:28:10 AM PDT, Nicholas Caton via Equest-users <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:
> ·         Document your version/build for mutual benefit with the list.
> ·         Try confirming the output SIM is the issue (not the SIM viewer) by opening the BIN SIM in a text editor.  If it looks fine in text editor try opening with a SIM viewer from a previous version/build of eQUEST.
> ·         Moving it around has historically fixed similar issues for some & not others.  Try placing a copy of your project’s .inp file only into a fresh directory, open/initialize using the File/open dialog in a new eQUEST instance, and see if the problem persists on simulating.  Be mindful if this works that you’ll need to re-assingn your weather file (default is some dreadfully pleasant climate zone in California – caused a few scares/chuckles over the years when my energy “disappeared”).  Also be mindful if this works that you’ll lose your wizard-level inputs (pd2) in the process, inclusive of CAD references.
> ·         If all else fails, commiserate/report here with the list and share a copy of your files with the Hirsch team if you’re comfortable doing so.  It’s clear this is something many are running into and providing the developers more working examples ought to help it get addressed.
> ·         I’m also Cc’ing Daric since I believe he’s the most experienced expert (if not by choice) in trying to wrestle with such issues.  He may have a few other ideas.
> ~Nick
> <image001.png>
> Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP
>   Senior Energy Engineer
>   Regional Energy Engineering Manager
>   Energy and Sustainability Services
>   Schneider Electric
> D  913.564.6361 
> M  785.410.3317 
> F  913.564.6380
> E  nicholas.caton at schneider-electric.com
> 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
> Suite 204
> Lenexa, KS 66219
> United States
> <image002.png>
> From: Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Pasha Korber-Gonzalez via Equest-users
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 12:54 AM
> To: eQUEST Users List <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
> Subject: [Equest-users] Funny Formatting in SIM reports
> Hi - I'm looking at my output DOE-2 reports and I'm seeing some funny formatting.  I have never encountered this before.  Has anyone else seen it?  And is there something I can adjust in eQuest to get it fixed please?  Screen shot is below...
> Thanks,
> <image003.png>
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