[Equest-users] Proposed Case fan power modelling

Sharad Kumar via Equest-users equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Fri Jul 21 03:21:49 PDT 2017

Hi Mayank,

I think that the 7.5 HP is the rated horse power of the motor.

Whereas the 4.73 BHP is the break horse power which is the actual power
available at the shaft of the engine.

The rated power is the maximum power which a motor can output from the

HP is the nameplate power used in the industry.

In this way the 4.73 BHP is the power with which the fan rotates so you can
have the fan power as 4.73 BHP.





Hello Everyone,

Ours is a Residential Project with PTAC units and DOAS in the Proposed
design. The DOAS nameplate motor HP is 7.5 where as the fan absorbed power
is 4.73 BHP. If we model 7.5 HP; we are falling short of the minimum LEED
energy performance requirements. Modelling

4.73 BHP just gives us enough savings.

Which one is the correct fan power to model?

I have been through the archives and didn't find appropriate answer. Please


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