[Equest-users] VAV with Reheat in Summer

Alireza Mohammadzadeh ali.mo at rpeng.ca
Mon Dec 18 12:41:03 PST 2017

Hi eQUEST users,
I'm modelling a building that uses VAV with reheat for perimeter and interior zones. The min flow ratio at zone level can't be less than 1, and I set the design flow to match our design.
I get a lot of reheat in summer shoulder, and when I look at the hourly report it seems like my central coil is cooling down the intake and zone coil reheats it. I only have one thermal zone for each VAV at this stage, and I'm sure that summer reheat is not because of humidity control.
Any suggestion how I can get rid of the large should season reheat?

Thanks in advanced

P.S., I attached INP and PD2 files.

Ali Mo, EIT

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