[Equest-users] Baseline system selection for combination of DES and electrict

Milan Janak janak at simulaciebudov.sk
Fri Dec 1 04:18:10 PST 2017

Dear All,


We would like to ask for an advice related to the Baseline System selection


1.	Office building with 8 floor and 12865m2 area
2.	VRV electric cooling
3.	VRV electric heating
4.	District heating for Air Handling Units


Best regards,



Ing. Milan Janák, PhD                                            Simulácie
Budov, s.r.o.

Čajakova 13

BREEAM Assessor                                                   81105

Member ASHRAE, CIBSE, SKGBC                          Slovakia

 <http://www.simulaciebudov.sk> www.simulaciebudov.sk
GSM: +421(0)903776610


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