[Equest-users] BDL expression dependency limit

Lapierre, Patrick plapierre at bpa.ca
Wed Mar 16 06:25:03 PDT 2016

I've run up against the hard-coded limit of expression dependency in one of my projects.
Reading the archives, I've tried the 2 solutions I found to increase the capacity but I'm still short.

Those two solutions were :

-          Adding « MaxExpDeps = 10 » into the project PD2 definition;

-          Removing all « C- » keyword default expressions from the BDLDft.dat file (since they are only useful for Title-24 analysis);

I'm wondering if anyone had some other insight as to how I could further increase the expression dependency capacities.


  [Bouthillette Parizeau] <http://www.bpa.ca/>

Patrick Lapierre_ing.
plapierre at bpa.ca<mailto:plapierre at bpa.ca>   |  www.bpa.ca<http://www.bpa.ca>  |  t: 5143833747x2807

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