[Equest-users] In-duct heating coils
Omar ElRawy
omaroelrawy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 08:44:51 PDT 2015
Thanks Sharad, that was very helpful.
Best Regards,
*Omar ElRawy, LEED AP BD+C*
LEED Project Manager
EA Sustainable Building Consultants
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Sharad Kumar <sharadcapricious at gmail.com>
> Hi Omar,
> Please find my responses in blue :
> Dear all,
> I have a std VAV system with electric reheat, where we did
> add electric heating coils inside the ducts for some zones.
> While modelling this case on eQuest; at system level; I did enter the
> "Heat Source" as " Not Installed", and the "Zone Heat Source" as
> "Electric". At Zone level, I did define a temperature schedule for heated
> zones. Zones with no coils were defined as zero "Maximum Heating Rate", and
> Undefined schedule.
> What I did find in the SV-A report is that; zones with zero max heating
> rate still report Heating Capacity,
> [SK] One can have the required or zero heating capacity in SV-A report
> for these zones by having input some higher value more than 140
> degree Fahrenheit as Indoor design heating temperature.
> The higher the heating design temperature there is no heating requirement
> in that zone.
> The heating capacity of any zone is derived by the temperature difference
> between design temperature and the outside temperature.
> If the design temperature is higher than the outside temperature than
> there is no requirement of heating.So the zone is not being heated.
> Another problem is that I can't yet define heating capacity limit to
> heated zones.
> [SK] Kindly check that the heating capacity is input at the system level
> and not at the zone level.For purpose maximum heating rate can be input at
> zone level. Heating capacity is a thing of system sizing.
> I tried defining electric baseboard heating instead, with equivalent
> capacities to my installed coils, but my savings were reported to be very
> exaggerated.
> [SK] Generally reheat is used for the case like of your purpose.Try using
> reheat and reheat delta T to control the unmet load hours and system sizing.
> Any help on an appropriate method to modelling this case would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sharad.Kumar.
> Green Horizon Consulting LLP
> Gurgaon
> India.
> Linked-in
> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=151208255&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile>
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