[Equest-users] Independent Exhaust Fan Power

Sefa Şahin ssahin at mimtarch.com
Thu Dec 3 07:59:27 PST 2015

Dear All,

We have received the following comment from GBCI regarding the energy 
modeling review:

"Table EAp2-4 reports additional electricty consumption for toilet room 
exhaust in the baseline case. However, exhaust fans that operate 
continuously during occupied periods are considered part of the system 
and must be modeled in the Baseline case using a portion of the system 
fan power. Revise the baseline model to remove any additional fan power 
for toilet room exhaust fans and update Supplemental Table 1.4 and the 
form as required."

Our project includes parking exhaust, kitchen exhaust and WC exhaust 
fans. These fans operates separately from main HVAC Units. We have 
modeled identically these exhaust fans as independent exhaust fan on 
sub-meters baseline and proposed model. These fans annual consumption 
have been assigned process energy on EAp2-5. Where am i made mistake ?

Thanks for all replies,

Sefa Sahin

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