[Equest-users] Tool for removing extraneous schedules from input file

Aaron Powers caaronpowers at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 08:52:38 PST 2013

Bill, answers to your questions below.  I'm posting this back to the users
group in case anyone else wants to try it.

I would like to try this tool out. Can you put together a quick User’s

-          When/how do you run the program?

The tool is a stand-alone Java application (.jar extension), so you must
have the latest Java Runtime Environment on your computer.  You can check
to see if your computer has Java here:
https://java.com/en/download/index.jsp.  The .jar file is just like any
other executable file, so you should be able to just double click to run.

These are the steps i use to run the tool.  I mostly work in modeling
existing buildings, so my process might be a little slanted toward that
industry.  But I'm sure there are some aspects of new construction, LEED
modeling, etc. which could also benefit from the tool.  From my experience,
most modelers have developed their own idiocentric processes, and so I
expect that if anyone finds the tool helpful, it will be used in different
ways and at different times.

1. Create your model using eQuest.  At any point in the modeling process,
you may find that your schedules folders are cluttered with unused items.
 For me, this is when I've imported my own custom schedules and abandoned
the eQuest default.  Save the model and close eQuest.  It goes without
saying, but the model should be in "Detailed Mode" before you use the tool.

2. Open the "DOE2 Schedule Deleter.jar" file.  Using the "Load .inp File"
button, navigate to and select the inp file created by eQuest.  It's no
problem to select the original inp, but I understand the paranoia with
modelers and file corruption, so you can also work on a  backup copy if
this is your thing.

3. The tool will detect any unused schedules in the model, including both
the inp and prd (parametric runs) file if it exists.  For the tool to be
able check the parametric runs, the .prd file must be in the same folder as
the .inp file and must have the same name (minus the extension).  For
example, if you load MyModel.inp in the tool, it will look for MyModel.prd
for the parametric data.  This is done by default in eQuest, so you
shouldn't have any issue here unless you are working on a copy of the inp
or you accidentally select an auto-generated parametric run inp file.

4. The detected unused schedules will now be displayed in the table.  Next
to each schedule is a check box.  If the box is checked, the tool will
remove that schedule.  De-select any schedules that you do not want
removed.  Note that, if you choose to not delete an annual or week
schedule, the tool will automatically also not delete any week or day
schedule that these use.

5. When you've made your selections, click on the "Delete and Save" button.
 The tool will update the inp file to remove the unused schedules you've
selected.  You have the option of either saving as the same name, or saving
as another name.  I've had no problems using the former option, but the
latter is available for those concerned with file corruption.

6. Close the tool.

7. If you've saved as the same name, simply re-open the eQuest .pd2 file of
this project.  You should see that the schedules you selected are removed.
 If you've saved as a new name, you will need to open eQuest and select the
"Load .inp" option.

-          Does your model have to be open?

No, the model does not have to be open.  In fact, it's best that it's not
open at the same time.  I believe that eQuest reads the inp once when you
first open it. So if you were to make changes  to the inp while having it
open in eQuest, no changes would be made.

-          Does the program need to be installed in the same folder as the

No, the program can be installed and run from any location.

-          How is SCHEDULE-PD used versus SCHEDULE?

According to the DOE2.2 Vol2 Dictionary reference mannual, the SCHEDULE-PD
keyword is equivalent to the SCHEDULE keyword, and is provided as a
convenience to user interfaces, such as eQuest.  Although they are
equivalent, there is different syntax when defining a schedule with the
SCHEDULE keyword vs the SCHEDULE-PD keyword.   From what I can tell, the
SCHEDULE keyword is more friendly to hand written .inp files, and is a
legacy from back in the day.  From what I understand, eQuest only uses the
SCHEDULE-PD keyword, so there shouldn't be any issues here unless you have
schedules that you've hand written with the SCHEDULE keyword.  I think RMI
did an excel tool at one point to create schedules, and I'm not sure what
keyword they used when writing the inp.  Anyway, I didn't include the
SCHEDULE keyword because it would have been more work, and I don't ever use

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