[Equest-users] ASHRAE 90.1 2007 and 62.1-2004

Mike Steadman steadys at charter.net
Wed May 2 14:27:47 PDT 2012


Just joined a new mechanical company in the energy auditing department.
laptop crashed and lost all of my energy files., especially my ASHRAE 90.1-2007 and 62.1-2004 ( used in Michigan for code)
Ended up buying a new Laptop.
Does any one know if there is a site that I can download these two pieces of information free, or am I off to the ASHRAE Store.

Thanks in Advance

Mike S

Mike Steadman
Energy Specialist(BPI)
Hurst Mechanical
Office: (231)947-2750
Cell: (616)862-0875
msteadman at hurstind.com

Hurst Mechanical's team of LEED Accredited Professionals provide sustainable solutions at all budget levels
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