[Equest-users] Equest freeze and Spreadsheet refresh error

Chakraborty, Jude Judhajit.Chakraborty at wspfk.com
Fri Oct 21 10:41:02 PDT 2011

Dear all,


I am trying to model a high rise 25 floor courthouse building with
multiple shells (12) and  many zones (near 500). I have used floor
multipliers where I could to make the model simpler but it ended up with
60,000 lines and about 7500 components. The .bdl file doesn't show any
error and I have also run a default simulation, which took its time but
gave results without any errors. 


Now in the detailed interface, equest freezes whenever I try to make
changes on anything or create a new schedule. Also when I go to the
building shell spreadsheet, it shows this "Spreadsheet refresh error"
with the following text "Selection list exceeds maximum length of 65,500
characters (98,339required). Notify program support representative". 


Does it mean that I need to reduce number of spaces/zones or divide my
building into two separate files? Any idea how to solve this problem?








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