[Equest-users] In memoriam: Lynn G. Bellenger, PE, LEED AP, FASHRAE

Bishop, Bill wbishop at pathfinder-ea.com
Fri Oct 21 06:07:58 PDT 2011

Lynn was my mentor and it was a privilege to work for her and learn from
her. Powerful and assertive, yet humble and kind, she was a strong
advocate for the role that energy modeling can play in sustainable
building design. Becoming ASHRAE President was a tremendous source of
pride for her. Her presidential theme was "Modeling a Sustainable


"We are Building on the Shoulders of Giants. Today, we are called to
become the giants of our industry, to set the example of innovation and
dedication that future generations will remember when they look back on
the time when buildings ceased being net consumers of energy and became
net zero energy, and even producers of energy. 


People need heroes; we admire excellence; we respect courage; we long
for the expression of these qualities in our own lives and we cherish
them wherever we find them. Today, this month, this year, I'm calling on
you to be the heroes. To set the example in energy efficiency, in
elegant, innovative solutions to meeting the energy needs of today and
the future. To model a sustainable world."


I will miss Lynn.






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