[Equest-users] 508 Compliance/VPAT

Carol Gardner gems at spiritone.com
Wed Oct 19 10:08:49 PDT 2011

Hi Tim,

My gut tells me that eQUEST itself would not need to be evaluated for 
508 Compliance as it is available at no cost to anyone who has a 
computer to download it on. I can't think of any accessibility issues 
that would come into play related to downloading or operating eQUEST 
itself, although there may be some for people whose disabilities require 
modifications to their computers, but again, those wouldn't be caused by 
the software.

Can you explain to your IT people (!) that is just a bunch of 
mathematical algorithms gathered up in one place for the purpose of 
modeling how energy is used in a building?

Good luck,


On 10/19/2011 7:39 AM, Harper, Tim wrote:
> eQuest Users:
> I am in process of obtaining the building simulation "eQuest" 
> software, but first have to get IT approval via my DHS government 
> agency, The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.  I was tasked 
> with finding out if eQuest had already been evaluated for 508 
> Compliance.   If so, can you lead me to a document that states this 
> compliance?  I appreciate your assistance.
> Thanks!
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