[Equest-users] Modelling Geothermal with back up boiler and coolingtower

Kathryn Kerns kathryn.kerns at bceengineers.com
Thu Oct 13 11:07:08 PDT 2011

I have been thinking about this problem and I haven't had a chance to try it, but I wonder if you couldn't add baseboard heating to the building and attach a boiler and only run the baseboard system at low OSA temperatures when you know the ground loop system isn't going to be big enough to take care of heating. That might take care of the extra boiler heating problem. The only thing I can think of to do for the cooling is to add a DOA to your HVAC system that has a cooling coil connected to a fluid cooler and running it when the OSA temperature is high.
I suggest the above system because I am pretty sure you can't add a boiler or a fluid cooler to a ground loop.
It also might be possible to start with a WLHP system and see if you can't add an additional fluid cooler and a boiler. Then increase the efficiencies of the additional fluid cooler and boiler so the take on the energy characteristics of a ground loop and arrange for these more efficient devices to run during median OSA temperature conditions.
Hmmm, anybody have any other ideas? Carol, nice to see hear from you again.


From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org on behalf of Maudud Quazi
Sent: Wed 10/12/2011 12:44 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Modelling Geothermal with back up boiler and coolingtower

Hello all,

I am modelling a HVAC system that uses geothermal as primary source of heating and cooling.  However, it uses a boiler for winter peak and a cooling tower for summer peak hours.  Both of these uquipments are connected to the geothermal loop.  Can anyone please give me some idea as to how I can model this system.  Before, I tried connecting a boiler to GSHP loop in the detailed mode but eQuest did not allow me to do that.  Thanks for your help.



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