[Equest-users] Thank you for responding to my CarolGardner query

Jeff Ross-Bain jeff at rbgb.com
Sat Oct 8 08:15:25 PDT 2011

Good thing - we were just about to form a global eQUEST Users Ninja Covert
SWAT Team to sweep into Spain and bring you back!


(Actually, I have seen this scam about 5 times now.)


Jeffrey G Ross-Bain, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP

404-220-8940 office 

404-220-8955 direct


From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Carol
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 6:12 PM
To: David Eldridge; John Aulbach
Cc: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Thank you for responding to my CarolGardner


Hi all,

Thank you for your concerns for me and sorry to take so long to tell
everyone that, no, I was not in Madrid or anywhere else cool like that, that
was an invention of the low-life hackers who hacked my Gmail account. Also I
was not mugged or robbed, literally that is.

I was looking at email that morning, 9/10 when it all just disappeared. I
was scheduled already to bus down to Seattle for the weekend, the start of a
week long trip to D.C., so I had little time to be able to do anything about
it. It also turns out that there is little you can do if you can't manage to
get one step ahead of the hackers, and here is virtually no help to be had
from either Gmail or Google. I kind of  doubt I'll use them again.

Anyway, my new email address is gems at spiritone.com. 



On 10/6/2011 7:57 PM, David Eldridge wrote: 

Not sure where - I can say that several others I know have had that same
hacked-account message sent on their behalf, so that's not it.

-DSE mobile

On Oct 6, 2011, at 8:45 PM, John Aulbach <jra_sac at yahoo.com> wrote:

I too receive the story of her allegedly getting mugged and having her
possesstions taken, then asking for money. Several of you caught the Gmail
address sent, and the Ymail address in the response. Others asked a question
which only Carol could answer, yet she responded to no one with an answer.


So my question is, WHERE IS SHE ??


John Aulbach

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