[Equest-users] Under heated Hours / Unmet heated hours

Kelsey VanTassel KVanTassel at sustaineng.com
Wed Oct 5 13:22:45 PDT 2011

You have overridden the heating capacity of many zones to zero (Max Heat Rate column). By putting entries in this field you are overriding the calculated capacities of the heating/reheat coils based on the design day loads.

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CC8372.A225ABF0]

Kelsey Van Tassel
Project Engineer | kvantassel at sustaineng.com<mailto:kvantassel at sustaineng.com>
608.836.4488 ext. 20 | Fax: 608.836.4477
[cid:image003.jpg at 01CC8372.A225ABF0]
Sustainable Engineering Group
901 Deming Way, Suite 201
Madison, WI 53717

From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Justin Elkin
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 3:05 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Under heated Hours / Unmet heated hours


I have been struggling with under heated hours in my model. I have been searching high and low through the archives and have been trying different
Suggestions made by many different users yet I still cannot manage to solve my under heated hours problem. Unfortunately I don't have just a few
Hours here and a few hours there, it is a ton of hours that are under heated.

I have tried these suggestions made by others and saw some improvement but by some I mean very very little:
            - Night Cycle Control --> Set to "Cycle on Any"
            - Thermostat type -> Reverse Action
            - Increased Throttling Range
            - Defaulted all heating/cooling schedules for the zones in the problematic system with the exception of the control zone
            - Increased Heating Capacity
            - Change Cooling Control range from 4 degs to 1 deg.
            - Others that are not coming to mind at the moment but proved unsuccessful

The main problematic zones are in the "Arena" and "Galleria" Shells of my model. Adding heat to the Galleria did solve my under heated hours but I had
To add a whole lot of heat in order for that to happen, and I mean A LOT.

Is there something I am missing? Can anyone tell me something I may have missed or something noticeably wrong with my system setup?

Please offer any advice you may have. The .pd2 and .inp files are attached.

Thank you very much!

  Justin Elkin, LEED® Green Associate
  Mechanical Engineer-In-Training
[cid:image004.jpg at 01CC8372.A225ABF0]
  t: (902) 422-7393
  f: (902) 423-4945
  e: jelkin at mreng.ca<mailto:jelkin at mreng.ca>

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