[Equest-users] Baseline HVAC Single Zone Furnace Operation.

Kathryn Kerns kathryn.kerns at bceengineers.com
Wed Mar 30 13:59:50 PDT 2011

Everyone, I may have asked this before, but has anybody run across a
section of ASHRAE 90.1 or LEED describing the operation of a baseline
furnace in a PSZ unit? Do we assume the heating modulates or does it
stage? And if it stages, how many stages? I have been modeling baseline
furnace heating as modulating since that is what naturally appears in
eQuest, but I wonder. I know in reality that a lot of small furnace
heaters cycle to maintain space heat. 


Also, I promised I would share results of my struggle to model
dehumidification for a project in Georgia. I was sort of successful, I
think. What I ended up doing was attaching 2 DOAS in series. The first
DOAS had a cooling only heat pump and the second unit had heating only
heat pump. The first unit handled the outside air and passed
space/return air to the second DOAS.  The second unit supplied
space/return air to the terminal units. This way I got to define set
points for the first DOAS cooling supply temperature (space/return
temperature) and the second DOAS heating supply (space/return
temperature). The amount of energy consumed and size of each unit was
adjusted to approximate a horseshoe dehumidification unit. It seemed to




Kathryn Kerns

Systems Specialist

BCE Engineers, Inc.

| Ph: 253.922.0446 | Fx: 253.922.0896 | 



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