[Equest-users] Resetting weather file

vipulbabriya at aol.com vipulbabriya at aol.com
Wed Mar 2 07:34:22 PST 2011

As far as i understand the question correctly, there isn't need to check weather locations for any version of eQUEST being used. Because, during the simulation/DD mode when location being selected in wizard mode is not available in default weather files resided in eQUEST Project directory  as described by Jeremy and Adam below, The massage would pop up with unavailability of weather file (.bin file) for the location being selected, with an option to download from DOE website via internet. User can easily download the weather file from internet and use it in simulation. But, as i described earlier eQUEST/ DOE has certain location weather file(.bin file) for all locations in USA.so, it would automatically map nearest available weather location.

 Hopefully, this will clarify the issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Poling <Jeremy.Poling at transwestern.net>
To: atowell <atowell at cxegroup.com>; Mark Darrall <MDarrall at a2so4.com>; equest-users <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
Sent: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 2:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Resetting weather file

As a note, the location of weather data changed in more recent versions – I believe in eQuest 3.63 first but for sure in eQuest 3.64 (someone from JHA can confirm).  To be compatible with Windows 7 access permissions, this data had to be in a shared location and it is now located at:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\eQUEST 3-64 Data\Weather
My current computer has only had a 3.64 version installed and I can’t remember if this is the same for 3.63 or not.

Jeremy R. Poling, PE, LEED AP+BDC

From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of atowell at cxegroup.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 1:19 PM
To: Mark Darrall; eQuest List (equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org)
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Resetting weather file

Make sure that your weather file is in My Documents> eQuest 3.xx Data> Weather. In my experience this is the only location in which the program will look for a weather file. Also, you can change the weather file in the detailed edit mode by selecting “Project: xyz” at the top of the component tree. I hope this helps! 
Adam Towell
CxE Group, LLC

From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Mark Darrall
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 7:20 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Resetting weather file

Good Morning,
For some reason, eQ reset the weather file to a file other than the one I intended. I went back into the wizard, set it to the file I wanted, but it reverted back. Does this somehow involve the file location settings?
All help’s appreciated. Thank you!
Senior Project Manager

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