[Equest-users] Cooking Equipment and Elevators/ Exhaust fans

Bosch, Crina CBosch at karpinskieng.com
Mon Jan 24 11:03:48 PST 2011

Dear users, 


I received form USGBC the following comment: 


"The project contains elevators and kitchen equipment in the actual
design; however, the process energy related to the elevator and kitchen
equipment was not included in each energy model, since Section 1.8 of
the template does not include the process energy consumption for
elevator or kitchen equipment. Revise the Proposed and Baseline models
to include the process energy for elevator and kitchen equipment in the
appropriate space in the models. In addition, update the template
reflecting the changes."


The kitchen equipment and elevators were input in the model under the
equipment tab for each space as designed but I couldn't separate them in
eQuest from the Misc. Equip under the Consumption by Enduse Report or
Demand Report. I verified everything I could and see how I can spit them
and the only thing I found was this: "INTERIOR-EU - Accepts a list of up
to 10 code-words specifying the end-use category of the INTERIOR-POWER.
The code-words correspond to the end-use categories in the end-use
reports (PS-E, PS-F, BEPS, BEPU). Acceptable entries are LIGHTS,
and EXT-USAGE. "

In the end I understand that eQuest does not have the option of doing
what the reviewer is asking for. 


The reviewer also wants the independent fans to be separated from the
supply and return fans which I didn't find how. 

Am I missing something here? 


Your help is appreciated. 

Thank you.

Crina Bosch



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