[Equest-users] using IPLV in eQuest

R B slv3sat at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 10:32:04 PST 2011

Thanks all. As I thought all along, seems like there is no easy way out.
Any ideas on how HAP/TRACE treat chiller simulation? Do they use IPLV's or
do they have many more options for performance curves or is it same as

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Nick Caton <ncaton at smithboucher.com>wrote:

>  James et al,
> Rohini will need to create performance curves to make this particular
> comparison.  Otherwise using the default curves will result in identical
> part load performances.
> The following is excerpted from the following (short) recommended reading
> concerning what IPLV means:
> http://ashrae-cfl.org/2010/03/understanding-iplvnplv/
> IPLV (or NPLV) = 0.01A+0.42B+0.45C+0.12D
> Where:
> A = COP or EER @ 100% Load
> B = COP or EER @ 75% Load
> C = COP or EER @ 50% Load
> D = COP or EER @ 25% Load
> John is saying knowing only the IPLV and the 100% load condition efficiency
> (variable ‘A,’ above) is not enough information to extrapolate the IPLV
> curves to compare the two chillers.
> For the exercise of comparing the two non-centrifugal chillers of the same
> technology/type, I would just focus on making a custom EIR-FPLR (not
> EIR-fPLR&dT) for each chiller, and use the library CAP-FT AND EIR-FT curves.
>  My understanding is the effects of temperature on capacity and EIR outside
> of centrifugal VSD chillers is negligible.  NOTE:  Whenever using any of the
> default library chiller performance curves, that means you MUST normalize to
> and specify the chiller at ARI conditions – those curves aren’t normalized
> to anything else.
> So!  If you can find the IPLV A, B, C and D values for both chillers’
> curves, you could come up with your EIR-FPLR curve coefficients (*curve
> type = quadratic or cubic*) using a curve-fit in excel… or alternatively
> make eQuest figure the coefficients by entering those points as raw data.
> You may more easily just make your own curves, following John’s advice and
> getting part load unloading curves (100%, 90%, 80%... etc) held at a
> constant chilled & condenser temperature to match the ARI* conditions (85CWT
> if this is water cooled) at which you’re specifying the chiller
> capacity/EIR.  Again, you could either go into excel, normalize the data
> (review DOE2 help entry for EIR-FPLR), make a scatter chart, and get the
> coefficients using a curve fit… or enter the data as raw points into eQuest
> and the coefficients will be figured by eQuest… whatever makes more sense to
> you.
> For others and personal future reference…. If you are looking to make an *
> EIR-fPLR&dT* curve (for centrifugal chillers or otherwise):  Ask your rep
> instead for multiple (minimum 3) part load unloading runs, holding the
> delivered chilled water temp constant, and vary the condenser water
> temperature incrementally for each run (i.e. 85, 75, 65).  Choose a range of
> CWT’s that cover the anticipated range to be encountered in the actual
> design. This will get you enough data to have the minimum 3 delta-T’s
> represented in your part load data points to build this curve correctly.
> You’ll be using eQuest “raw-data” entry method to make it generate the
> coefficients.
> ~Nick
> * Rather than ARI conditions (85F CWT), you could be normalizing to Design
> condition EIR/CAP, provided you’re making a full set of custom curves in the
> same fashion.
> [image: cid:489575314 at 22072009-0ABB]**
> * *
> *NICK CATON, E.I.T.***
> Smith & Boucher Engineers
> 25501 west valley parkway
> olathe ks 66061
> direct 913 344.0036
> fax 913 345.0617
> www.smithboucher.com* *
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *James Waechter
> *Sent:* Friday, February 25, 2011 10:55 AM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] using IPLV in eQuest
> John,
> If the only parameter Rohini enters into the program is the full-load EIR –
> which he said is the same for both chillers – how will eQuest know to bend
> the curves differently for the two chiller options.  It is my understanding
> that program would use the same chiller efficiency curves for both machines
> even though their IPLVs are different.
> In order to overcome this issue, are you saying Rohini should get chiller
> performance data from each of the manufacturers and enter his own custom
> curves?  I recall there was a discussion on that topic a few months back.
> Regards,
> James Waechter Jr., P.E., CEM, LEED A.P.
> Energy Engineer – Rocky Mountain Region
> p 303 215 4062 | m 727 686 3248
> *McKinstry*
> Consulting | Construction | Energy | Facility Services
> www.mckinstry.com
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *John Aulbach
> *Sent:* Friday, February 25, 2011 9:41 AM
> *To:* R B; eQUEST Users List
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] using IPLV in eQuest
> Rohini:
> Won't happen. IPLV is a number which has one equation and 4 unknowns.
> Actually, three unknowns as you know the 100% point. You need a
> manufacturer's curve run at 85F constant condenser water temperature. Let
> eQuest do the curve bending after that. ARI curve won't work right.
> John R. Aulbach, PE, CEM
> Senior Energy Engineer
>   ------------------------------
> *Partner** **Energy***
> 1990 E. Grand Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245
> W: 888-826-1216, X254| D: 310-765-7295 | F: 310-817-2745
> www.ptrenergy.com | jaulbach at ptrenergy.com
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* R B <slv3sat at gmail.com>
> *To:* eQUEST Users List <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
> *Sent:* Fri, February 25, 2011 7:25:18 AM
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] using IPLV in eQuest
> Hi All,
> I would like to compare two screw chillers with same full load kW/ton and
> different IPLV kW/ton. I am using the full load number for the EIR. Where
> can the IPLV number be used? Is there some way to scale the performance
> curves to reflect different IPLV's?
> -Rohini
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