[Equest-users] FW: eQuest issues

Michael Andelman mike at andelmanlelek.com
Sun Feb 13 07:53:30 PST 2011

Any Mac users out there that can address this?


-----Original Message-----
From: Erika Mayer [mailto:bac at lunchboxconsulting.ca] 
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:23 AM
To: Michael Andelman
Subject: eQuest issues


I have been trying to work through the equest tutorial and am getting an
error message when I try to simply validate the installation (which I
thought was fine earlier in the week) I get the following message
"\\psf\documents\e Quest 3-64 Projects\ Projects\Project 1\Project 1.pd2
contains an invalid path"

I am running equest on my mac using Parallels...When I check the file
locations from within equest, it brings everything up fine...

Any thoughts? I have tried re-installing, etc. but same issue.


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