[Equest-users] INP PD2 Library

Arpan Bakshi arpanbakshi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 08:49:38 PST 2011

Thanks Anthony. I was unaware this wiki was out there.

Is this something which will be just as open and as accessible as the  
mailing list, or will it have a lengthy application and review process  
like bembook, which has rendered the project idle?

The absence of formal process is key to the mailing list's success and  
high volume.


On Feb 11, 2011, at 11:15 AM, "Anthony Hardman" <Anthony at GreenEngineer.com 
 > wrote:

> Hey Arpan, sample input files are a great idea.  Could you post  
> these the Onebuilding Wiki, perhaps with a narrative?  If you look  
> in the “usersGuides” directory, Nick has posted a great How-To  
> lesson that might be appropriate for what you’re trying to accomplis 
> h.  Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think part of the vision f 
> or the wiki is to have a more detailed/user friendly source of info  
> for commonly asked questions.
> Anthony Hardman, PE
> Building Performance Analyst
> Sustainable Design Consulting – Energy Modeling – LEED Project  
> Management
> 50 Beharrell St
> Concord, MA 01742
> O: 978/610-2801
> C: 720/840-7862
> <image001.jpg><image002.jpg><image003.jpg>
> From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest- 
> users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Arpan Bakshi
> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 8:52 AM
> To: equest-users
> Subject: [Equest-users] INP PD2 Library
> Everyone,
> I'm conducting some what of an experiment in the social networking  
> we all engage in through these mailing lists. I hypothesize that if  
> we had a library of eQUEST models available for anyone to download  
> and comment on then eventually there would be peer-reviewed, tried  
> and tested templates for various system and use types we could agree  
> on and refer to.
> I will continue to update a library of .inp and .pd2 files for a few  
> months to test out how useful such a library may or may not be. I  
> have started the library with a test model you can try to download  
> here:
> http://www.box.net/equest-user
> --
> Arpan Bakshi
> 646 704-2880
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