[Equest-users] editing weather data

Varkie C Thomas thomasv at iit.edu
Thu Feb 10 07:39:52 PST 2011

I will try it.  Until now I have been converting a .bin file into text file with DOE2 weather processor MKAFT, and opening the text file with Excel.  The changes were made in Excel for a different elevation (affects AP, DB, WB, WS).  The converted .bin file text file and the original NOAA/NCDC have different formats. Converting back to the NOAA/NCDC was tedious but I managed this once.  I will not try doing it again.  Your  method seems easier.
----- Original Message -----
From: Claudia De Paula <claudia_dp at GroupVE.co.il>
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:30 am
Subject: RE: [Equest-users] editing weather data
> I have just done something like this. 
> I took an EPW file and renamed it to csv, then I could open it in 
> excel. (Renaming a BIN file did not work). 
> I changed whatever I needed to change in the csv file and saved it. 
> Then I renamed it to EPW again and used the weather processor to 
> convert it to BIN. 
> It worked. 
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