[Equest-users] Tax incentive

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 09:01:27 PST 2011

> As of eQuest version 3.64 ASHRAE 90.1 compliance can now be performed,
> however there has been some experiences and discussion on this forum with
> some 'gliches' in the compliance module for now.   There are some
> work-arounds to get you past these gliches until the developers can offer a
> patch or an update to the software to fix these issues.
> I encourage you to start in the following places to learn about 90.1
> Compliance anlaysis in eQuest and then after you have gathered this 'general
> knowledge' info about it, and if you still need help on how to apply the
> compliance analysis to your eQuest project model then come back to the forum
> with your specific questions and there are many of us out here that are
> willing to help on specific topics.
> For anyone to answer your "General" info request, we just don't have that
> kind of time as we are all working on our own simulation project
> deadlines...So here are 3 places to start, and then come back on the forum
> with your more detailed questions on the topic and I know you'll find more
> help & advice than you can imagine...
>    1. check out www.doe2.com and look for info on thier site about the
>    90.1 compliance tool and software update.
>    2. read the DOE-2 document published by JJHirsch&Assoc for support of
>    the eQuest 90.1 compliance tool & analysis.  I've attached this document for
>    you.
>    3. go to www.onebuilding.org under the eQuest archives and search
>    for 90.1 compliance and read through the previous discussions that have
>    already gone through this forum addressing the gliches and work-arounds for
>    them.
> Cheers,
>  Pasha
> Korber Energy Consultants
> www.korberenergy.com
>   On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Yingqi Chen <yingqi.chen at pertan.com>wrote:
>> Hi eQuester:
>> I know eQuest is qualified software for calculating Commercial Building
>> Tax Deductions. eQuest use a standard Title 24. Tax Deductions is based on
>> ASHARE 90.1 for commercial buildings.
>> My question is how to compare a baseline model (actual situation) to
>> ASHARE 90.1 in the eQuest?
>> Any suggestion and guidance are welcomed.
>> Yingqi Chen
>> 44 E. Main St.
>> Champaign ,IL 61820
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