[Equest-users] Dual Duct VAV problems

Bryce Munger BMunger at glumac.com
Tue Feb 1 10:46:02 PST 2011

I am working on a dual duct simulation and I am having trouble getting
vav control to work correctly.  The system is defined as a 100% OA Dual
Duct Single Fan system and I  have tried everything I can think of to
get the fans to vary.  When the sim runs, the fans are pegged in the
90-100% range all year.  When I change to a dual fan dual duct system,
the fans will act as a vav fan is expected with a range of operating
hours throughout the year.  I have tried Fan Control of "Variable Speed"
and "Fan EIR FPLR"  without success.    Any ideas?






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