[Equest-users] (no subject)

Sal Gulino sg7 at nyu.edu
Tue Feb 1 10:30:34 PST 2011

The NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate is offering a two-day seminar, 
titled “Building Energy Modeling Using eQuest.” This class is scheduled 
to meet on Thursday/Friday, February 17-18 from 8.30-4.30pm and will 
take place at the NYU Midtown Center, 11 West 42^nd Street. Learn the 
fundamentals of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G by creating an energy 
model for a case study using the eQuest freeware building energy 
analysis tool in this hands-on, two-day workshop. For more information, 
please visit our website at 


Sal Gulino
Assistant Director
NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
11 West 42nd Street, Room 509
New York, NY  10036
Tel: (212) 992-3305
Fax: (212) 992-3685
Cell: (347) 680-3545


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