[Equest-users] Multi-Zone Spaces (Atria) and Open to Below

Berke Çelikel berkecelikel at erketasarim.com
Fri Oct 22 23:48:15 PDT 2010

Hi Aman,

I have the same problem, I have tried almost everything but it did not work.
If anybody can help about this subject please let me now also. 

I will be really appreciated.




From: Aman Hehar [mailto:AHehar at morrisonhershfield.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 7:56 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Multi-Zone Spaces (Atria) and Open to Below


Hello All, 


I need clarification on a 3 story building I am attempting to model in


Basically, there are a few zones that are open to below (first floor opens
all the way up to the third floor).  The way I currently have the building
modelled in the DD wizard is that each individual floor is modelled as its
own shell.  


I see the options for "Multi-Level Zone (atrium) and "Open to Below" in the
"Zone Names and Characteristics" window of the Shell Component DD wizard.
However, the notes in the help files are ambiguous.


For the zones that are open to below, should I do the following:


-Set the zone on the ground floor as Multi-Level Zone (Atrium)

-Set the zones on the second and third floor as Open to Below


The above does not seem to give me the expected results.  I have also tried
setting the zones on the second and third floor as "Open to Below" and
"Multi-Level Zone (atrium)".  That seems to work, but I am missing the roof
component on the third floor.


Any help would be appreciated.







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