[Equest-users] LEED Comment: Fan Supply Volume

Chris Jones cj at enersave.ca
Wed Oct 13 11:58:23 PDT 2010

Doesn't the .SIM file provide all the reports a reviewer might 
need?  I can't understand why a reviewer would add such a nonsense comment.

At 04:15 PM 10/11/2010, Weekly, Ashley wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/related;
>         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CB6981.084BCC6A";
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>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>I received the following comment from our LEED reviewer:
>"Ensure that the fan supply volume in the baseline model is modeled 
>according to Sections G3.1.2.8 by providing sample output reports."
>Has anyone had this comment before or know of a report that shows 
>the information needed (other than uploading all 79 of my SV-A reports)?
>Thanks for any help!!
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Chris Jones, P.Eng.
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J2E3
Tel. 416 203-7465
Fax. 416 946-1005 
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