[Equest-users] U value (Building envelope Construction)

pranita kothuru pranita.kothuru at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 11:47:17 PDT 2010

Hello All -

I don't know whether I am understanding the R value input in eQuest in the
way its supposed to be.

In the Building Envelope Constructions *(3-25) in the DD Wizard:*

Construction: Custom, layer by layer construction

Layer-by layer: Arena Roof (name of the roof I have created)

In the layer by layer window I use the 'Specify Resistance' (under the spec
method) option and insert the overall R value of the roof directly below in
the box.

When I go to the.inp file, I see the following -

"EL1 Roof Construction" = CONSTRUCTION
   TYPE             = U-VALUE
   U-VALUE          = 30
   ABSORPTANCE      = 0.6
   ROUGHNESS        = 1

It says the U -value is 30 which is really low. Am I missing something here
in understanding the U-value and R value. (I have inserted the r value as 30
not the U value)

Thank you for your comments in advance.

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