[Equest-users] Input Expression and SYSTEM TYPE

Fred Porter FPorter at archenergy.com
Tue Oct 5 16:49:35 PDT 2010

I have long set keyword values using expressions of the type:
PARAMETER "Daylight Flag" = "YES"
   DAYLIGHTING      = {#si(#pa("Daylight Flag"),"SPACE","DAYLIGHTING")}

But I'm stymied trying to do the same thing for SYSTEM TYPE
PARAMETER "Tel Data Type" = "SZRH"
TYPE = { #si(#pa("Tel Data Type"),"SYSTEM","TYPE") }
I've had a similar failure trying to set the simple VARIABLE-SPEED = YES/NO values under the CHILLER command. 
Does anyone know if there is any way to set the system type or other problematic keywords using input expressions set up in some different manner?  
Many thanks if you can help.
Fred W. Porter
Architectural Energy Corp.
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