[Equest-users] Accessing WSHP/GSHP setup in DD wizard.

Bob Fassbender bob at energy-models.com
Thu Nov 18 07:07:41 PST 2010


I think I know what you are referring to. In order to activate those fields,
you need to set edit your system (it needs to be the topmost system in the
navigator) so that the heating is DX coils (heat pump) which will allow you
to select the heat pump source as air,  GSHP, or WSHP.

Selecting GSHP or WSHP will enable the corresponding field in the navigator,
but Pasha is likely right in that you will have to go into detailed mode.
However, I think your initial question was how to get those fields enabled.

Hope that helps,

Bob Fassbender

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Andy Mcleod <moon161 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm learning to use eQUEST, and can't figure out how to enter data for WSHP
> and GSHP. The WSHP Plant Equipment and GSHP Plant Equipment buttons are both
> grayed out on the DD wizard Project Navigator screen.
> Has anyone run into this before?
> Andy McLeod
> Mech. EIT
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