[Equest-users] Basic EQuest modeling training

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 11:20:59 PST 2010

Mike,  you've come to the right place, but you might be a little mis-guided
in your hopes for a tutor...

Getting the basics down is what a good trainer and tutor should do for you.
If you intend to learn them on your own first, it will not be an enjoyable
or smooth process.  Take it from experience of all of us who have "been
there done that..."   the only way to learn this stuff is to have really
good teachers to learn from OR stumble through it on your own and learn as
you go...which is how many of us have gotten to where we are.  There has
never been an abundance of simulation training courses available even when
we started using eQuest back in 2003.

If you have completed 3 models already, you are probably already using the
"basics" of the software & wizards and are now ready to expand your
abilities and understanding of what these programs can really do and how
efficient or inefficient they can be to use.

Also, always ask or look for references for your trainers.  If you do intend
to invest in your simulation learning, be sure to make sure it is worth all
the money you might spend. (as you had indicated in your intent)

Also ask your potential trainer if there is a "virtual" training option
where you might save money for travel expeneses for either yourself or
bringing a trainer to you.  Sometimes the support you are looking for might
work nicely for you to set up some conference calls and webex sessions to
train you via a "virtual environment."   I have seen this approach be
successful especially for supporting international simulators that can't
attend a training session conveniently.

Hope this helps you find a good trainer to fit your needs.


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 11:50 AM, mike steadman <steadys at charter.net> wrote:

>  Hi to all,
> I am interested in any Equest training that covers all the basics on what
> all the different windows and tabs do. Sounds pretty basic I know, yet one
> has to start somewhere, and it sure beats hunting and pecking your way
> through it.
> I have modeled 3 commercial buildings so far ,very basically and want to
> learn more.
> Does anyone know where I can get some basic training in the midwest ,
> Michigan,Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin area
> I have had asked a couple of weeks ago and I did get some great answers ,
> yet a little pricy for one on one right now. and it makes sense to get the
> basics down before I hire one of you for a tutor.
> Please let me know if you hear about any training.
> Thanks
> Mike Steadman
> Energy Auditor(BPI)
> ABI Mechanical
> msteadman at abimechanical.com
> 231-943-4114 ext 250
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