[Equest-users] Simulation Error

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 09:50:50 PDT 2010

Michael,   You can open your BDL file (.bdl)  and or your output file (.sim)
that is being generated or partially generated from your model.  If you open
these files in a text editor, and scroll down to the bottom of the file
(where the error or issue is occuring) you should see a section and small
bit of info at the end of the file that will indicate or give some hint of
why things are terminating.  That might give you a clue to go and see what
in your inputs is causing the problem.

Other option is to send us your .pd2 & .inp files and some of us can see if
we can recreate the error and have any ideas to help you resolve it.


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Smith, Michael <michael.smith at wspfk.com>wrote:

>  Has anyone ever come across an error where their simulation is unable to
> pass a certain day in sizing HVAC equipment (presumably a design day) in the
> simulation progress? There is no error, per se, just the timeout of the
> software on that particular day.
> *Michael J. Smith, EIT, LEED*® *AP*
> *WSP** **▪** **FLACK + KURTZ*
> *512 7th Ave., New York, NY 10018*
> *Direct: 212.951.2671| Main: 212.532.9600*
> www.wspfk.com
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