[Equest-users] Coil curve generating a negative capacity ratio

Carol Gardner cmg750 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 20:19:57 PDT 2010

Hi Mike,

It will be hard to help you without seeing your .pd2 and .inp files. You
could look around in the .bdl file that was generated to see what you see,
search on error. That will at least show you the area where the error is

Good luck,


On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Smith, Michael <michael.smith at wspfk.com>wrote:

>  Good morning everyone,
> I am curious if anyone has come across this error or may be able to offer
> some advice. Until recently, my simulation was running without any errors or
> warnings, however, today I am receiving an error that my chilled water
> supply off of my secondary CHW loop is 88F.
> In reality, my design CHW temperature is 40.0F with a 12F DT. The reason I
> am confused is because my cooling setpoint control is fixed. I don’t have a
> reset temperature or water side economizer. I have looked through the input
> file for where the temperature could be coming from, but I cannot figure out
> where or why the supply would be forced to be so high. Before I post my
> files, I was just curious if anyone has seen the error before. I appreciate
> any help and comments.
> ***ERROR***********************************************************************
>              Loop: Secondary Chilled Water Loop     has a coil curve
> generating
>              a negative capacity ratio.  Check the loop supply
>              temperature,   88.F, for consistency with the coil curves
> * *
> * *
> *Michael J. Smith, EIT, LEED*® *AP*
> *WSP** **▪** **FLACK + KURTZ*
> *512 7th Ave., New York, NY 10018*
> *Direct: 212.951.2671| Main: 212.532.9600*
> www.wspfk.com
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Carol Gardner PE
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